Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi guys,
Just discovering this Forum. I have more than 4 years of experience and I would like to help you if is neccessary or to receive info as well, nobody is perfect.
Thank you all.
I'm Kyle.
I've been trading for 2 years.
Prefer to trade stocks, options. Also like to invest some my money, earned by trading. I'm not the best in it. Sometimes I can make 30% for a week, and loose it after a month.
Hi guys,

I'm Joe

Really excited to be part of this community. I'm just starting my trading journey, mainly looking at forex, so I hope that you lot can give me all the hints and tips I need to beat the markets!

I'm really looking forward to connecting with you all and looking through the beginners resources!
Hi everyone. new to the forum. Looking to to extend my knowledge in the vast world of trading but figured I should introduce myself with a little of my backstory:
(Brace yourself)
I'm al im in my 30s, im a happy and content person, pretty intelligent (and quite the opposite at times), i build film and TV sets for a living and specialise as a scenic artist.
iv been trading in my spare time for several years,and its been a roller coaster. What tickled my interest into trading initially is quite a long story and partially the reasons why im consciously joining these forums now, to gain further insight and maybe help anyone facing difficulties i was able to overcome over time , ill explain a little:
basically I noticed exchange rates properly when I was around 18 or 19, few lads holidays noticing the difference on the amount of euros received each time... then over a couple years I saw the financial potential of currency trading .....but alas margin looked too complicated and I didn't have the patience or capital to learn. In 2010 I was made redundant, in the months leading up to my redundancy. There was a guy who worked with me, very switched on entrepreneurial type, allways clued up about the latest technology, had one of the most powerfull gaming pc's id ever seen, but he said to me one day, "have you heard about bitcoin?" I said no and he explains the white paper very crudely outlining its a form of digital money but its making people rich.... I called "bulls**t" and said get me some then. He subsequently went and mined 3 blocks and sent the 150btc rewards he received to a core wallet he'd set up on my computer. Tried telling me how to go about mining but it went over my head and I wasn't Interested in something that was going to generate pennies.(the regret stays with you I assure you)
Redundant but 16k in cash up I went on a bender and forgot all about bitcoin. Had 6 months off work, got myself temporary work as an engineer that paid well and everything slipped my mind. Heard about bitcoins rise in value in 2013 and realised I had about £100k, and by the time id gotten the old computer up and running again a few months later to realise I had no keyfile to synch wallet with the blockchain so figured that was that and the world came crashing down.I remember checking bitcoin once or twice again after this and it was a little over £250 a coin and in my naiive mind believing the few articles I'd read about bitcoin going to zero as it looked possible . When I was made aware of the new high in 2017 I was borderline suicidal knowing I had had millions once and through ignorance I kept missing further opportunity. Beneficially this made me think life wasn't going to distract me. this is where I made the connection between markets in general. And realised how markets are traded through market making etc. and so began my trading journey and entry into forex . Blew accounts learning and admitedly I was focused on monetary gain as trading was allways portrayed as a way to generate 1 or 2k a week passively. And I was going off advert endorsed educational content that i wasn't understanding clearly and wasn't starting with the basics so drowning in the deepend after diving straight in. Thanks be to the heavens I knew someone who was involved in trading but experienced alot more success and explained how to use leverage properly, and explained the importance of sticking with a strategy and not to force a trade. Basically helped me cross that fine line between gambling and trading. All the stuff they dont advertise, including a little insight as to the operation of brokers. I put 1 and 2 together and this all pretty much changed my life . And ever since these last 4 years or so iv backtested and practiced several strategies to have found one or two that work for me with a certain degree of accuracy. There no universal strategy to guarantee success iv learnt but there are factors of several that in my approach to the charts helps keep my risk lower iv found and making that higherlikelyhood trade, good for scalping too. Combining pvsra with the market maker method and an ema strategy, I limit my exposure and only look to trade when price is showing me certain things. Bare in mind any news or current sentimental and fundamental analysis may have or allready had on price, but my goal is to build an overall playing field I could look to build positions at key levels. I repeat its not a mythical or magical system but for me by following certain rules as to when to make an entry, take profit or more importantly when to admit your WRONG,I have found it a beneficial approach. Trading isn't only about profits and keeping them consistent to maximise growth.... what kept me in the game longer is the ability to minimise your overall risk.
forex is the more liquid and stable market yes and I so wish I'd just stuck with that at times but as you may be able to understand with my personal relationship.... trading for me started off with a personal vendetta to make bitcoin my b*tch after all those years. Self fullfiling prophecies get easier to trade over time after all.
Forex wise im not so emotionaly vested thank god and its strictly a cfd, a short term trade(not an investment) mainly focused around the majors, I have my favourite pairs particularly usdjpy, I just like the way she moves. But pretty much mostly gbp usd eur jpy aud pairs and crosses.

My appologies for the long introduction but necessary to show why i take this very seriously.
I'm forever curious to hear how other people trade and what they find to be a profitable method or strategy?
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend .
Hi! I’m Olivia, financial analyst living in United State. I'm good in depth-analysis, I pay great attention to details and passionate about different analyze services. I am a fan of technology, yoga, and animals. I’m also interested in outdoors and travel.
Hi I am daisy . I am new here at the forum. Hope I can learn invest and options tips or ideas . I been looking for some investment forum for while now. Glad I find something .
Hey guys! I am Fina! I am new to the forum, not that much experienced trader, but open to some new advises.
Hello Everybody,

I'm Michael, I'm newbie just signup up for this website. I'm a software developer and started trading as a side hustle .
I've start reading a book "The Essentials of Trading From the Basics to Buildinga Winning Strategy" and discovered this place from there.

Hope to have a great journey with all of you and trading in general
I am a newbie and trying to learn terms and about tools and was looking for an explanation of how the Bollinger bands work and ended up here
Hi everybody.

So pleased to find this forum that i could learn and talk about trading with so many experienced and interested people.
I'm a novice, registering now. I have found this forum accidentally when i was trying to learn more about trading. I have been working as an engineer in a factory. We manufacture waste bins and pedal bins.
I always love manufacturing and factories, now my new goal is to extend our activity as an international trader.
Hope everyone reach to their wishes.
Veteran trader new to this forum.

Hello everyone!

Forex trader now for almost seven years, new to this forum.

I am Varkeer on forexfactory.

Had a great 2020, and helping a couple younger people at my work to learn about forex with a smaller funded account that I am showing them how I trade.

Here is a little bit of my background in forex:

This is now over six years ago.

I met a guy at my work at the time (when I sold phones business to business for T-Mobile) who was trading on his phone in between things during the day/night and making money and paying for stuff.

I was intrigued and started watching him during a business trip up in Savannah. I sat in our hotel room for a few hours while he made over $1k.

Then he took us all to a nice dinner.

He started telling me about his background and drug habit he used to fund from trading, because he didn’t want to steal from anybody.

He got clean, but kept trading.

He started to talk me through his trades, I had downloaded the oanda app and started practice trading and looking for setups. I was making money.

A day of positive trades later, I threw in $100 in a real account.

By that evening it was up to $170. I added another $100, then made another $50. Added $250, made $100.

Then I added $250, lost $35, then made $75, then $50, and on and on.

After a couple of weeks I was up a couple thousand dollars.

I put in $2k and then I hit a massive trend run with the eurusd long, and for 19 trades in a row was getting $500+ a trades, I ended up with a profit of $12k, pulled out the bulk of my account balance now up to $19k.

Ever since then, off and on as work allows, I trade $500-2k a month for at least a $500 profit. I have had bad trades, and lost money on some months, but I am still up quite a bit.

I like to set different accounts up and trade different ways.

I spent one year trading with $500 a month and my goal was to make at least $100 a week.
I averaged out over the year at $77 profit which is about a $2,500 profit from only a $500 starting balance each month.

Stay a perpetual student. There’s always more to learn.

Methods of trading/approach

I tend to be a contrarian intraday price action swing trader.

But I look for high probability trades from the pairs I study every week, so I will always go for the most likely candidate.

Holding period is usually 6h-18h, I tend to do maybe 3 trades every day and a half.

I learned from an guy I met in all places at a coffee shop who was a prop trader managing partner when I recognized what he was doing on his laptop.

He was an old school trader from the 80s-00s before he died unexpectedly of a heart attack.

I have some approaches that I don’t see many other people talk about/observe, but it could just be how I see things.

For examples the way I look/visualize trades and setups, I tend to see them as waves of prices/trades and can easily follow the crests and troughs of the wavelength of the price.

I love to talk about forex!
Hello Everyone, my name is Eveline and i'm so happy to be here with fellow great minds. This is my 8th year in trading, my portfolio ranges from currencies to stocks and bonds, crypto to nfts. Over the years I have developed relevant skills in trading and investments, it wasn't easy but I never gave up so I'm here to meet like minded people, encourage those who are interested in trading, investments and mentorship. Feel free to ask me anything you want to know please.
Hello everyone!
I'm new here. I have a master degree in Civil Engineering and trading in the financial markets is my ideal job! First time I read about Forex was 2018, and since 2020 I actively learn about the market and price prediction methods.
I saw Al Brooks, MD price action course and I use his method for trading 5-min charts.
I hope I can connect to some like-minded guys here and improve my performance.
Adinfinite here, this is more of a re-introduction since i was here some years ago and then kinda fell off the radar. Retired now and have some time to trade and hangout. Looking forward to it!
I am first & for-most an experienced trader.
Secondly I am a co-founder of a new group of traders offering funded accounts to traders ale to trade the London & US sessions as we live in Australia & are fast asleep at this time, thus missing out on the most profitable Forex trading sessions on a daily basis.
We are seeking elite, consistent, profitable traders.