Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hello there! I am a trainee financial advisor and wanting to check out what people do/get up to on here!
Hi and welcome to T2W 🙂

'what people do/get up to on here!' errrr.
We tell people not to use financial advisors 😛
Oh well!
That's another beautiful friendship nipped in the bud.

PetShopBoy here. After 30 years in banking (Treasury Finance) I took a step back and am now Finance Director for a small charity (with trading subsidiary). I have a S&S ISA, Trading account and currently moving my SIPP out of discretionary mgmt and under my own control.

Not entirely wet behind the ears but by no means anywhere near being an expert. Hoping to learn from the forum and hope to contribute as well.

Have a great Christmas all
Hello All,

Hopefully I'm in the right place to introduce myself... My name is Tony and I trade full-time from home. I have a B.S. in Physics and an M.S. in Aeronautical Engineering. I worked very successfully in that field for 20 years for the likes of NASA Langley, Boeing Space & Defence, American Airlines, and Spirit Aerosystems (large supplier for the 787). The work was technically challenging, but I didn't mind that. By the time I quit - I'd assembled a team of super stars. In fact, leaving them was even harder than leaving the secure (and substantial!) paycheck. What is AMAZING is that on the day I quit - I literally did not know what an Option was. I didn't REALLY know much about stocks... I had a 401k and everywhere I worked offered a "matching" plan. This usually meant that for 5% of my pre-tax income - about 12 PERCENT of my gross income would be invested... every two weeks. Dollar cost averaging at its finest. The SMARTEST (or luckiest) aspect is that I pretty much contributed. Of course the 401k's sucked... we might have a dozen choices... high fees... so I just put about 50% in large caps and 50% in an S&P fund. Where I lucked out? The specific 20 year time span (and the fact that I never did any trading! Lol). I started my first job (and investment in 1997). So I didn't have a lot to lose in the internet bubble. When the GFC hit, I truly didn't grasp the severity of it. I'm sure my balance went down sharply... but I left it alone, and it eventually it all came back... plus more... lots more... SO, when a combination of hatred for corporatism and soul-sucking middle managers, endless and always URGENT crises due to incompetent mechanics - but now my problem! The stress, the responsibility.... I started to really think about it. The problem is there was no replacement job with a fraction of the compensation. I have two kids and one was through college and free, but my younger daughter was still at home. Could we radically "minimalise" and cut our costs and way of life enough for me to find a lesser job? Sure. Only one problem. My final gripe was the 9-5... as I entered my mid-40's - I began to understand what a "wage slave" is. I HAVE been fortunate to do a LITTLE world travel. But ever since I was a kid, my passions were travel, sailing, adventure, seeing the world. I gave all that up to marry a girl, who gave me two truly lovely daughters, and a 12 year marriage of misery. It finally ended, and I had a few years of fun as a local musician who could finally be "free".... but I WAS NOT FREE. I had a BOSS, and a CUBE, and 50 work week with about 3 measly weeks for vacation. Within two years I met another girl. This was life-changing, as I think it was my first love. We were together 6 years and even got engaged. But in the end, it just didn't work out. I think I was primarily to blame - emotionally immature - some childhood trauma. I actually ended it, and it absolutely broke my heart. For the next 3 months it took all my energy just to put up a front at work. My comrades were covering for me, they knew something was wrong - and were worried - but I would not talk about it. All I could think about is how hard I had worked. All my life... I mean 110%. I did what society told me to do, and I feel privileged to at least for awhile have experienced true love - because I'm not at all sure it's as common as people think... But bottom line - I WAS BURNT OUT. And more than a little MAD. Something in my mind must have snapped, as typically I'd NEVER have done this: but I called my boss, and told him I wouldn't be in. Great guy, he didn't even ask why, just said "Okay! See you tomorrow!". I said, "No, I won't be in tomorrow either". He got concerned, "are you sick, coming down with a bug?"... It was HARD, I knew what I was doing would make his life difficult... oh, and I had ZERO fallback plan! But I told him... "I can't do it anymore.... the 9-5... the corporate bullshit.... I'm a CONSCIOUS BEING, and I am suddenly realizing THIS cannot be the purpose for the MIRACLE of my existence.". I told him I could just quit, or he could fire me, just whatever... He did neither... Instead, to my shock (and a bit of dismay) got real serious, and said, "Okay... I understand. You've not been yourself for awhile. You just need some time. Listen, take off several weeks...". I told him I had like 2 vacation days. He said - don't worry, we'll call it a sabbatical... just take a few weeks off, and if you still want to quit - I promise not to guilt you, etc. So I did. During that time, I started to really ponder why my second relationship failed. We were GOING to get married. I had never known a prettier girl, and we had endless fun. But when things started to get perfect... I would just, struggle. Don't misundderstand - no cheating, or drinking, or craziness. I thought maybe I was scared to commit, but that didn't make much sense. So I went to therapy. When I was 15, my Mom had suddenly divorced my Dad, moved out of state, and made no attempt to continue a relationship with me - at all. This was very strange because as small children, she'd been VERY loving to my sister and I. Long story short: it messed me up!! I could not commit - because of Fear of Abandonment. Unfortunately, this was far too long after the relationship ended - it was GONE. But I had answers that made sense. And when my manager found out I was getting therapy? He got excited! Which was odd as I had not been back to work in like two months! Apparently, I'd been been paying short-term disability for a long time - and this stuff was covered! Now, in the end, I never returned to Engineering. But I'd had a large savings when I quit, PLUS some emergency funds. Then for like 5-6 months he insisted I take these 50% benefit checks! They helped me immensely, but one night I asked myself, "is there ANY chance you'll go back?". NO. The next day I sent him a letter of resignation. Perhaps I DID pay in to the benefits but taking the money seemed immoral. MEANWHILE, with all my free time, I'd been getting caught up on my long-term to-do list. One item was "review retirement account and assess". I think it took a week just to find the password - but when I did - I was stunned. I had a small fortune in there! I had no idea! Of course it was for retirement, but I knew markets could crash, so I moved it to an IRA and began a 10-hour per day education (which would last years) on investments, the markets, portfolios, types of allocations, etc. As for work, I had a few months before I needed to worry - and head hunters were already calling with perfect 6 month temp consulting assignments. I could have the best of both worlds!! Meanwhile, when I research a subject, I'm thorough... It was probably after over a year of research that I realized I actually found it fascinating!! I was confident I could grow my IRA at a good rate - but that money was of no use for many years. Then I stumbled across "day trading". I spent a brief time on it - but I didn't ONLY take statistics classes - I understood them. And I was not interested. However, I also used Calculus everyday. So on the day I discovered Options, then learned their history, the Black-Scholes (simple equation) - I mean within weeks I wrote an Excel macro to plot a 3-D volatility response surface! (Of course, years later when I FINALLY found consistent success - I'd thrown away all that stuff). I became OBSESSED with options. I made every mistake. I wasted months looking for the Holy Grail strategy, etc. It was the same old story. I could make money, and sometimes shocking amounts, but then I eventually gave it back. All the books talked of "finding the strategy that fits my psychology". I scoffed. This is math, there is no psychology here (to my great detriment). I blew up a few acccounts despite being hyper-conservative. Time was running out but it's strange. In some sense, I KNEW that I could do it. I think it was the July of my fourth year after starting: that my monthly P/L exceeded what I made as an engineer. The rest is history. Thanks for reading my life story!! Lol. I now trade exclusively SPX options out of a cash account (with Reg T margin) so anyone who says that is not possible... or you MUST trade futures, etc. I humbly beg to differ. Sincerely, Tony.

P.S. Assuming anyone reads this, there are two topics I'm really exploring right now - and would be greatly appreciative of any input: 1) what type of specific money management are people using, and are they able to formally combine that with a quantitative compounding plan, and 2) as a full-time trader from home - I'm finally researching business/tax structures.
Hi am new to trade2win,
It's nice to find a professional and serious board with trusted accurate info on trading!I am mostly interested in trading shares (UK)with a bit of s&p 500.Can you tell me if you have a thread for investing here too or can you recommend one elsewhere on the web?!
Hi am new to trade2win,
It's nice to find a professional and serious board with trusted accurate info on trading!I am mostly interested in trading shares (UK)with a bit of s&p 500.Can you tell me if you have a thread for investing here too or can you recommend one elsewhere on the web?!
Welcome to T2W, @Boombastic ft 🙂

& yes, there are many threads for those with 'investing' in mind.

Check out the sections for

Stocks & ETFs

Commodity Futures & Money Markets

Swing & Position Trading


Home Trader

for starters, as well as 'General Trading Chat'



Been trading for the past 10 years spent the last few years specifically day trading Futures full time. Focus on ES/MES 99% of the time. Take an intra-day swing/scalp approach to the markets using price action and basic trend following to place trades.

Looking forward to talking shop and helping out.

( I am a vendor FYI)

Thank you,

Hi every one, my name is Chambers and I glad to be part of this great forum.
It's been my desire to be part of a supportive group. Not so new to trading though, but would like to learn and leverage from the masters. Kindly accept me and acquaint me with the modus operandi of this forum. Thanks
Hello T2W community,

We are a tech startup and alternative data provider located in Germany.

We are happy to be a part of the T2W community and we hope that you will benefit from our posts on collective public image, media attention and trending themes regarding the S&P 500 stocks!​
Hi , I am Naveed . I have recently started to invest in USA and Swedish stock exchanes. My portfolio is mostly based on tech stocks. Looking forward to read and share my experiences.
So since COIVD hit I knew it was the time to start trading and investing. It's an interesting and exciting time to dive into this world. Any advice for a newbie would be appreciated!!

Many thank,
