beloved friends
i welcome you all with great love and great respect
i am from India, from city called Bangalore, i am trying to trade with help of friends here, there must be many seniors who can light my path, i am happy to be here and i am confident that i will get solid response from the fellow members who are adept in trading,
my country is slowly coming up, unfortunately the oil,population and political climate are not good to the stock market, only by knowing the technique of successful trade, i think i can earn my pay,
i humbly request my brothers here to guide me ,help me , to teach me how to fish, please teach me, by providing good guidance , by providing good books,
may all who come here be blessed with million's of wellness
may all my brothers rock in joy,
happy trading
happy learning
with gratitude
will be happy to get mail
my email: bbliss47@