Is it still possible for young bright individuals with no or little formal education to start working at brokerage firms and work their way up?
I'm 20 years old, and i left school at 16 with a handful of gcse at c.
I have been working for a financial publishing company selling advertising for 3 years and i have become fascinated with the financial markets and have a great desire to go into trading.
Do arcades take on junior staff with an attitude of make or break?
Could someone please let me know if this is or is not the case this would be a great time saver to me and could continue on my way to becoming a publishing tycoon!
Many thanks
I think it can be hard to be a broker (they are just salespeople) and i belive they want their employs to have a formal education to make their customers feel safe. However, if you want to be a trader: Stay AWAY form brokerfirms!
You will not get a trader position on a investment bank since you dont have a degree and you too old anyway.
But what you can do is work for a prop. firm. At a prop firm you trade the firms money and get a precentages for the profit. Some people make HUGE sums form this, but its also a competive bussnies.
When you talk about an arcade, i guess you mean a prop firm since an arcade is just a place were you trade your own money. Its just for fast connection and proper tools.
If you decide to apply for a posistion at a prop firm they might not even ask you if you have a formal education. But what they will do is let you take a test, often its a math test. But i guess that wont be a problem for you since you say you are very bright. 👍
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