Sticky Introduce Yourself

This is a thread in the New to Trade2Win forum which provides everyone with an opportunity - both old members and new - to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the New to Trading forum, which is targeted specifically at newbies taking their first steps.

Hi everyone, my name is Mark and I decided to join here so that I can share my opinion about my experiences in business and also to get some opinion from others as well. Happy posting. Thanks
Hi All,

New to trade2win and active trading. Previously I had been doing some very passive trading (mostly shares acquired via espp program) just by looking at the high price. But now I am interested in swing trading and much deeper market research. Looking forward to learn the skills.

Welcome buddy! Which trading system are you following right now?
Hello there! First time to this forum. I've been trading for 7 years. I was an investment analyst for the past year and a half so I couldn't trade as per my broker/dealer's regulations, but now that I'm free from that, I am back to full time trading. I've traded stocks, options, futures, and Japanese stocks as I used to live there for a few years, but now back in the US.

I hope to get acquainted with some interesting people!
Hi all - I have been trading off and on since the mid 90s. I'm trying to get to the level where I can trade shorter timeframes - 15min and hourly - successfully in both directions. So far the best I do is break even overall on these swing trades. I like to use Elliott Wave various technical indicators with Amibroker and write all kinds of technical indicators, systems, explorations in AFL. Yet to find any indicator or system I can trade profitably consistently. Some lessons I've learned are that I usually enter a trade too soon. I used to over trade a lot - now I wait longer for the right setup. Now I know that if ever I'm afraid of missing out, or of the market getting away from me, that's usually a really bad trade.
Hi Everyone, I am Charles.

10 year trading experience in equity trading with a focus on Technical Analysis.

Happy to join the Trade2win community.

Hi, i am a new member. Is it ok if i selling my ea maker service to this web site's member? allow me please 🙂

Hello everyone,

Currently a Uni student looking to gain a real insight in the world of Trading. If there ever was a more prominent example of a beginner trader.. look no further. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, right? Anyways I go by AJ and I`m really glad to have met you all !
hi guys
i am the beginner here and i would like to meet some friends who trade in Thailand and Philippine.
i have 2 years trading exp in Philippine and just the beginner in Thailand.

hope can make a good friends with you all!
Newly joined 2 mins ago!

Hi all, i have just joined here hope to get some experience in stock trading!
Hopefully with a bit of help on the way, I'm ready to learn!
New in t2w

I´m a new member in this site, I found it casually surfing the internet for some information, and I completely nice to meet you.
Kind Regards !
Hello Traders!

I am a Nadex trader. I have traded with a few other futures brokers in the past, but found a home with binary options at Nadex. I have been trading 6 years. The first four years were on and off, and honestly, a learning and educational process. My weapon of choice is the Wallst 30(dow jones futures), offered on the nadex platform. I am a trader for life. I would love to interact with other Nadex traders. I am a serious trader. Looking forward to meeting my peers!
Hello fellow traders!

I joined this forum way back but actually only started using it now. I am excited to share ideas with you and help each other out with any questions.

I have been investing/trading since 2007. My experience is in stocks/options/futures. I am a CFA and CPA working in the finance industry.

I have two investment styles. One is for trading based off of a professional trader course I have completed back in the day. I typically do swing trading - I can no longer do any day trading because I need approval for every buy/sell I do from work 👎.

The other style is more of a institutional money management style, based off of a hedge fund that I really admire (it has generated a CAGR of about 25% since inception in 1998 - If you invested $10,000 with them at inception, you would now have about $2.4 million. These guys are phenomenal and I am working on developing a similar style.
Newbie to Trading

Hi all!

I'm new to trading, well I haven't really started yet. I want to work solely for myself and not be reliant on clients/customers. This site was recommended to me as a starting point, it's been a great insight so far.

I've read up on all the first steps and pitfalls etc. I've just started going over the Trading Plan template and now need to start looking at paper trading so I can put some of what I've read into practise and work out my style, strengths & weaknesses, etc.

Can anyone recommend decent paper trading platforms. Should there be a cost involved?
