Sticky Introduce Yourself



I new to this forum. I have been trading binary options for the last few year and just came across this new website: InfraTrader

Has one heard of it?
I Would love to get some feedback.


Hi everyone,

My name is Rob from the UK.

Thought I’d introduce myself to the forum given I have just this minute joined. Not been a member of any forum for at least ten years so keyboard is a little rusty.

Looking through the posts I can see there are lots of knowledgeable members here from all around the world which is a good sign. No doubt I’ll be learning more than I can contribute, but hopefully this will slowly change.

Although I have been a casual swing trader for quite a few years (with reasonable success) I spent most of my earlier years investing in the AIM market, which was worthwhile for me as it helped pay a big chunk off my mortgage some years ago.

Looking to spend more time as a swing trader, although more about this on my next post in another section.

Have a nice day!

Hi everyone,

My name is Rob from the UK.

Thought I’d introduce myself to the forum given I have just this minute joined. Not been a member of any forum for at least ten years so keyboard is a little rusty.

Looking through the posts I can see there are lots of knowledgeable members here from all around the world which is a good sign. No doubt I’ll be learning more than I can contribute, but hopefully this will slowly change.

Although I have been a casual swing trader for quite a few years (with reasonable success) I spent most of my earlier years investing in the AIM market, which was worthwhile for me as it helped pay a big chunk off my mortgage some years ago.

Looking to spend more time as a swing trader, although more about this on my next post in another section.

Have a nice day!


Great to have you here, Rob! Swing trading for the Win!
From the USA I trade Naked but with a Swagg

Hello Traders!

I hale from Michigan, USA and I am a Forex Naked Trader with a Swagg. I trade the H4, Daily, and Weekly charts very successfully without any indicators, oscillators, EA's. I also only trade FX spot currency, no Forex Binaries or Forex Futures. The name of the game for me is Price Action.

I've been trading for more than 20 years and do so professionally. I enjoy helping and mentoring other Traders.

I am definitely looking to share and shine the light on this industry.

I hope to benefit from many of you as well be of benefit.

Have a magnificent day on PURPOSE
New to forex trading


I am new to forex trading and I don't know where to start. I came across Issy Bacher's advertisement of Forex Cycle Trends, do you think I must start with these Cycle Trends.

Introduction Gabriel

Hello everyone,

My name is Gabriel and I'm spanish. I've joined these forums to learn finance world and I hope to contribute positively in a short time.

Have a nive day!
Hey guys, new to the forum! Looking to contribute in what looks to be an active and informed finance community. Hope to hit the ground running!
Just wanted to throw out a hello, names Montgomery I am brand new to the forum and to this blog stuff but I am very interested in gaining tips and lessons learned from some of the older fellas.

I have pretty limited experience trading and have only made 3 trades, one of which was in 2013 during my senior year of college when I made good money from Rite Aid and thought about doing alot more trading but opted for a 9-5 job instead.

Just here to learn whatever I can.
completely new to the team but overwhelmed with the expectation of joining a team of likeminded friends with a common per suit and goal to mine .facing same challenges of exploring the uncerternities of a market intrigues through an employment of both technical and fundamentals to possibly urupple the riddle of profit taking in this battle of wit between ourselves and the charts. a fairly enthused man with not much progress in accuracy in trading but with quite a long time spent trying to do the same .Hope to learn more from collegues.chao.
Hey guys, new to the forum! Check my bio for more. I'm professional forex trader. My primary trading strategy is designed for a long term trades, so I'm swing trader and my secondary trading strategy is designed for a day trading ( scalping ).
Hello All
I have just signed in on this interesting community. Trading the DAX and S&P 500 index, mainly scalping and using line breaks. I like using the aroon and the CCI indicators for entry and exit. I have traded for ten months not yet in profit, but changed my approach to only small sized trades until I see consistency.
Looking forward to discuss tips with all of you

Hi, Just joined this site to learn all about Forex and maybe have a go after some serious learning curve. I'm retired but looking for an extra profitable hobby. I have tried binary options but to no avail and have given them away as I dont believe they are as reliable as they say they are.
So, I will be trying to learn from some of you Experienced traders.
New registration

Hi all,

New to the forum have been trading small amounts for a few months solid now started about two years ago but took a break. I'm looking to learn what i can from those with more experience and become successful.
