I'm Peaceful Kung Fu Fighting Warrior(PKFFW for short 😉 ). I'm 34 and I work as a fire fighter for the NSW Fire Brigades in Sydney Australia. Before that I trained to be an actor and did the audition circuit picking up bit parts here and there but never managed that big break.
Got interested in trading after a work accident busted my knee up pretty badly. Realised then that the government doesn't care much about the people who do the real work for the community and had things been only a little worse I would have been out on my behind with no income. Even now(9 years later) my knee is problematic and it really is only a matter of time before the continued wear and tear puts me out of action.
That has fuelled a need to find another way to make money. Preferably one that does not require excessive strenuous use of the knee! 😆
I now, after 2 and a bit years, am heading in the right direction and will be going live again at the end of the month.
Love the site, have learnt alot from the articles, traderpedia and most of all from all the posts by members far more knowledgable than I.
I'm Peaceful Kung Fu Fighting Warrior(PKFFW for short 😉 ). I'm 34 and I work as a fire fighter for the NSW Fire Brigades in Sydney Australia. Before that I trained to be an actor and did the audition circuit picking up bit parts here and there but never managed that big break.
Got interested in trading after a work accident busted my knee up pretty badly. Realised then that the government doesn't care much about the people who do the real work for the community and had things been only a little worse I would have been out on my behind with no income. Even now(9 years later) my knee is problematic and it really is only a matter of time before the continued wear and tear puts me out of action.
That has fuelled a need to find another way to make money. Preferably one that does not require excessive strenuous use of the knee! 😆
I now, after 2 and a bit years, am heading in the right direction and will be going live again at the end of the month.
Love the site, have learnt alot from the articles, traderpedia and most of all from all the posts by members far more knowledgable than I.