Sticky Introduce Yourself


I'm Peaceful Kung Fu Fighting Warrior(PKFFW for short 😉 ). I'm 34 and I work as a fire fighter for the NSW Fire Brigades in Sydney Australia. Before that I trained to be an actor and did the audition circuit picking up bit parts here and there but never managed that big break.

Got interested in trading after a work accident busted my knee up pretty badly. Realised then that the government doesn't care much about the people who do the real work for the community and had things been only a little worse I would have been out on my behind with no income. Even now(9 years later) my knee is problematic and it really is only a matter of time before the continued wear and tear puts me out of action.

That has fuelled a need to find another way to make money. Preferably one that does not require excessive strenuous use of the knee! 😆

I now, after 2 and a bit years, am heading in the right direction and will be going live again at the end of the month.

Love the site, have learnt alot from the articles, traderpedia and most of all from all the posts by members far more knowledgable than I.

You're right DAX, should (could) be some interesting, inspirational stories for the newbies here, to keep 'em going. The first few years are the worst. After that, all downhill.....
Hi, my name is Suzanne.

I trade the BUND, concentrating on intraday moves.

Mainly I use Point&Figures charts.

As I prefer to read than to write 🙂
Thanks to all of you, very interesting!

Have a sunny day! S.
started trading in the oex in 86 after 7 years as broker/clerk on the cboe, went broke 4 times and left to persue only other talent as a carpenter,now older and slower,going back to my previous skill,trading. When i left the spx it had a 3 point daily range,now its 30.A lot tougher and the players have a lot less knowledge but the firms have worked the exchange of information(insider)to a higher art form,so if your a new trader be happy to take a small loss or sit on your hands,the charts will set up for good trades but this january,the toughest month every year, is the toughest i've seen,so don't feel you have to trade,yesterday there was a line on dow 12400 which was good for a 100 point bounce,it actually bounced 150,then went back down,anyway wait for your setup and take it and then put your hands in your pockets ,be patient, when your not trading as a choice you are building discipline , take that progress as money in your acct as opposed to giving it away...sorry about the long winded reply
This is a new sticky thread in the General Trading Chat forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

Hi everyone my name is Peter,and i am new to trading. I have currently invested in ( DRYS ) and am down about 20%. Now I am determined to rebuild my capital and research future investments.
Hi, i'm a private trader based out out Australia and have been trading for over 5 years. I came across this website out of chance, so i thought I would sign up and see if I could meet some fellow traders to share the journey with, i'm starting to get board in the home office, and I would enjoy helping new traders, as well as meeting other prop traders already doing what I am doing.

I have not really had the time to make contact with real traders in other parts of the globe. Fancy a talk or want to talk about the market etc..? send me a message or pm with your skype or msn addy.
Hey, I'm Will, 19 from South London, currently a 2nd year maths student at uni, wanting to give it up asap! not enjoying it at all, doing well though. want to get into trading, have limited experience being in charge of a small investment group of friends. could anyone tell me the lowest amount of capital i could start trading with?
Get your maths degree and we'll be asking for your advice in 5 years. Then again, if you don't appreciate the strength of your current position and future potential, you won't be in a position to advise.

Don't fcku up, now. Get a grip.

To kick things off here's the lowdown on me...

I'm 31 years of age, live in West Hamspstead, London. .

Gordon Bennett, thats a bit too close for comfort!

Is that, like the posh part of East Kilburn? :clover:

I don't know what I'm doing really, getting interested in Forex instead of the gee gees!

In a couple of years, I will be double your age and probably still a skint pensioner!!

Hi Guys,

Im Simon,31 from Rotherham,a virgin stock trader until last Friday when I decided to dip my big toe (using a broker)in to the US market to the tune of 35k. Looks like I may have got in a little on the wrong side but read up quite a bit on the main 3(recommended) stocks before going for them - APPLE, CITI GRP, LAS VEGAS SANDS - any opinions?

Not looking to make a living from this as already operate as a successful Business Energy Broker and hope that the people in the know can make the right decisons for me, as we do for our clients. Hopefully I can get better returns than going down the banking route and the declining housing market (especially in South Yorkshire)

Had stock related investments since I was 18 and have a fleeting interest in the markets.

Will be watching the markets very closely now.
Hey, I'm Will, 19 from South London, currently a 2nd year maths student at uni, wanting to give it up asap! not enjoying it at all, doing well though. want to get into trading, have limited experience being in charge of a small investment group of friends. could anyone tell me the lowest amount of capital i could start trading with?

I did a maths degree. Hardly use it these days. Which uni are you at?

Keep it up, anyway. Employers value degrees still and you need it when you blow your account. (Nothing personal but it happens.)
I decided to dip my big toe (using a broker)in to the US market to the tune of 35k. Looks like I may have got in a little on the wrong side

How much of a loss % wise? You may be better off to cut your losses. (A mistake beginners make is letting losses run. See recent youtube video where a guy loses 40k in an hour yesterday. Today he admits it was 80% of his account.)
How much of a loss % wise? You may be better off to cut your losses. (A mistake beginners make is letting losses run. See recent youtube video where a guy loses 40k in an hour yesterday. Today he admits it was 80% of his account.)

Not too much just a few % down over the day although Apple looks like it could take a hit tommorrow when it opens even though they have just announced thier best ever trading quarter. Im in a few of these on a mid term so not too worried at the moment.
Hello, I am doherty from Hong Kong. I visit this forum to learn more knowledge about Algo trading. And I also want to meet more friends.
Hey, I'm Will, 19 from South London, currently a 2nd year maths student at uni, wanting to give it up asap! not enjoying it at all, doing well though. want to get into trading, have limited experience being in charge of a small investment group of friends. could anyone tell me the lowest amount of capital i could start trading with?

Are you joking? Look at any of the career threads on here where people are asking "what do I need to do to get on the ladder as a trader at an institution" - and the advice comes back: get a good degree in a numerate subject. And you want to give it up???!!! Sure, trade from home with the savings you make from a job on a building site and good luck to you. Or, invest your time over the next year or so in getting the best degree you can, pester all the banks for all you're worth and maybe land a job at an IB with the prospect of making a few million a year within 5-10 years. Return on investment? If you can't see that opportunity in front of you, you are no trader (unless you're at an ex-Poly, in which case you're right, you may as well give up now 😉 )

EDIT: Shadowninja's reply implies it wasn't obvious from my post, but that was all meant slightly tongue-in-cheek. Hello Will, welcome to T2W 😉 )
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ETA: It was obvious. I thought it was worth commenting on.
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i am new in the forum and also new to forex. i need you guys to brush up quickly my knowledge so i can start to trade live account.
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i am new in the forum and also new to forex. i need you guys to brush up quickly my knowledge so i can start to trade live account.


Be careful about being eager to get started. It's a long road ahead; there are no simple ways to make the money. Take your time learning.

Good luck.
