Sticky Introduce Yourself

New Member

Hi Guys

I guys been trading for the last year. Very hard to predict the market sometimes. Like to trade on currencies. I am using some platforms. Some platforms will only give the initial deposits, never my profits? To whom shall I revert please for help? Any tips!!!
You alright? I am Clinton Baptiste and trade under the guide of the spirits which are very strong today, yes very strong indeed. I have found this to be very profitable but when I advise others on what to do they can't handle the truth. They don't seem to understand that I am telling them what the spirits are telling me and that my role is just one of a messenger.

If you need advice I am here to help.

That is so cool my friend! Happy for you...
Hi. I'm Pourboy and have been trading for several years but have just undertaken currency trading and feel alittle overwhelmed. I'm 71, retired and this is my hobby and some income to supplement my retirement and SS. Hope I can learn from the experts. Won't post much but will certainly be reading everything
New to trading

Hi Guys

I have joined this forum to find out information regarding trading because i have just completed a course and now looking to trade.
Hi there everyone,

I have been studying how to become a retail trader at home ever since I first saw a TV show on retail day traders back in 2013 - and I have been hooked ever since!

It is safe to say I am fairly well informed now as I have been doing lots of homework reading, watching webinars and learning as much as I can for about a year now. The only thing I haven't yet done is actually take the plunge in to real trading!

I feel like I now have a fairly in depth understanding and so far really love the technical analysis side of charting (being a professional technical geek in my day job). The question I have currently is how best to get started as there as so many trading platform / broker options!! It appears that choosing the right broker and software is almost harder than trading itself?!! I have read through the other forum pages on new traders getting started (all very helpful), but I still haven't made the next step as want to make the right choices. Hopefully you guys will see me right.

All the best - Alpha.

🙂Hi My Name is Jon Iam both very new to T2W and to trading of any kind Iam very eager and interested to learn and make a success of My new interest
This is a thread in the New to Trade2Win forum which provides everyone with an opportunity - both old members and new - to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the New to Trading forum, which is targeted specifically at newbies taking their first steps.
Hi Guys,

Just a quick hello to introduce myself to everyone!

I am currently working as an IT Engineer and looking at becoming a full time trader. I have been studying for over a year now and within the next few months, I’m hoping to go part time so that I can concentrate more on stock trading. My plan is to carry on studying, join a trading room and open up an account with a broker so that I can start paper trading and gaining actual experience.

Looking forward to using the forum and hopefully learning some new skills and hopefully help a few people if I can!

I’m from the North West of England. Any other traders up this way?

Hi there everyone,

I have been studying how to become a retail trader at home ever since I first saw a TV show on retail day traders back in 2013 - and I have been hooked ever since!

It is safe to say I am fairly well informed now as I have been doing lots of homework reading, watching webinars and learning as much as I can for about a year now. The only thing I haven't yet done is actually take the plunge in to real trading!

I feel like I now have a fairly in depth understanding and so far really love the technical analysis side of charting (being a professional technical geek in my day job). The question I have currently is how best to get started as there as so many trading platform / broker options!! It appears that choosing the right broker and software is almost harder than trading itself?!! I have read through the other forum pages on new traders getting started (all very helpful), but I still haven't made the next step as want to make the right choices. Hopefully you guys will see me right.

All the best - Alpha.
Hi.You must start with a demo account and be aware of risks.flash crashes/black swans etc.start very small.many traders never make it.
Hi guys. Stephen here from the UK. I have a very simple question as I am a complete novice though do have an accounting background. Is it really possible to learn trading from scratch on here? Thanks
Stephen you must do as much research as possible and try and find your own method.I would suggest that you open a demo and do not risk any of your own capital at this stage.also research the risks when trading.😉
Hello or as we say in Wales "Sumai".

I've had some expirience in trading the markets on numerous platforms but all have been on practice mode. I love looking at the markets especially AIM (Alternative Investment Markets) which usually compromises of newly formed companies. Although greater their risk I have a keen eye in researching and discover new potential lucrative opportunities within AIM.

I'm happy to find this forum and would like to learn from the lot of you and also discuss possible opportunities. I would like to find out how one gets their credentials in the industry and also find out of any stock broker training available within North Wales or the North West.

I would be careful with aim as i believe that the spreads can be wide and sometimes the marked is not very liquid at times.if you are going to invest its best not to bet the ranch on one company👍

I am Automated Trader. I used to trade manual full time but as it was not profitable much for me so turns to part time manual trader .

I am mainly interested in automated trading . I did set up of more than hundreds EA.
Now I am using three EAs

I come here to get help in manual trading and also to share my ideas as already 4 years in trading.

Kelvin From Singapore

Hi guys, Im so happy to finally register on this forum after years of stalking. You guys have been excellent.

Im a Forex / CFD day trader.

When I first started, I was a Director Of Photography (Film) and a night time trader.
Now, I am a Full time Trader and a part time film/cinematography consultant.

In one of the many trading books I have read, there are natural stages to the trader.

Lose Money
Lose Less Money
Slightly Positive for the month
Consistently positive
Find More Opportunities to be Positive.

Im actually between flat and slightly positive. It took me a lot of time to get over the first 3 stages. I hope everybody who loves trading can do the same. I hope to participate in some of your excellent discussions and hope to see you soon!

P.S: I use tradingview.
introduce yourself

Hello, I'm new to trading i took a course a couple of months back, but I haven't made that plunge into the markets with real money yet. I'm looking for to connect with real traders who can assist me in the right direction to becoming a successful stock trader.
Hope u all doing well.
Actually I am trying to apply for the ACI Dealing certificate test and I am trying to study and understand as much as I can.

I would appreciate if you guys help me with the questions because some of the questions I get them but when I face them later I stuck.

For example this question
If GBP/USD is 1.5350-53 and USD/JPY is 106.50-53, what is GBP/JPY?
A. 163.48-56
B. 163.51-52
C. 69.36-39
D. 69.38-39

The mid-rate for USD/CHF is 1.3950 and the mid-rate for AUD/USD is 0.7060. What is the mid-rate for CHF/AUD?
A. 0.9849
B. 1.0154
C. 1.9759
D. 0.5061

I got the answers from the work book but don’t how they got that answers?

Anyway if you guys may help I would post more?

New to Site


I am new to this site. I have been working full time and trading on the side.

Would like to trade as a living. Any suggestions? Also am looking for a sample trading plan. Any suggestions?

I am a professional trader for well over 20 years. I am known for my research work in custom market breadth analysis and advanced analytical techniques on index and forex markets. My research in market breadth analysis is incorporated into the trading platform NeoTicker.

I have numerous articles and trading models published in trading-related magazines and influential financial websites like Futures, Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities and Seeking Alpha.

I run a live expert commentary service on Emini S&P with proprietary trading signals. Details can be found here,

My latest interest is mentoring / coaching traders to improve their trading performance.

I believe trading is something personal - everyone has to find their own way through understanding and acceptance of one's strength and weaknesses.