Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi there - I'm putting together a system to automate buy / sell signals on EOD data and looking for any input that would be useful - as well as to assist in any way that I can...

i am new here. i prefer to look to Forex trading and learn a little myself. But i hope to learn from you all with discussions.
hi mgrubee from australia here have been trading for about 5 years without much success.
have lost quite a bit of money over this period but i suppose the successful 5% have to be paid by someone. hope to find a bit of direction here before i finally give up for good.
Hello all,

My name is Diaz, adritya is my middle name. I'm a master student studying investment management. I've been trading in the stock market for quiet sometimes now, and still craving to learn more 🙂 .

I was wondering if I can post anything relate to a survey or questionnaire in the forum since I have a research project on behavioral finance.

Hi to all,

Hello everyone,

I have been developing a trading system, mechanical with indicators, to trade the sp500, and have been working at it the past two years, really,.... Many ideas tried, many ideas thrown away!... but I am getting closer now, and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I am guessing most people here are day traders, yea?....... How many are swing traders like me?

Anyways, hi to everyone, and may you be on the right side of the trade.

Hi all, my name is Loni and I wonder if anyone would be interested in joining me to one of Thailand beautiful islands and start some online trading office?
Hi Everyone,
It's Minhaj. I'm new in this community and i'm a new FX learner. So please help me as much as you can. Thanks.
Hello hello! I'm new to trading and I'm looking at CFDs on IG. I've been learning lots the past few weeks and I'm excited to be part of this community 🙂
Hi all I'm Travis and right now I am doing my research and am a long way from trading live, very informative site though, Cheers!
hello, i m new to this forum, ii am a trader of forex , indices and commodities, i want to know is t2win offer and automated abitrage software which automatically buy and sell
This is a thread in the New to Trade2Win forum which provides everyone with an opportunity - both old members and new - to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the New to Trading forum, which is targeted specifically at newbies taking their first steps.

i m a trader, and i want to know about the arbitrage software and want to use it in my trading
where can i find best arbitrage trading software?

I am new to the forum and have been paper trading for about 2 months now (using TOS). I joined to see people behind the trades and the various thought process as well as learn from the more experienced.

I have just joined the forum: I have been following the futures markets since the mid 1960's. Over the past few years I have been testing various unorthodox predictive models, mostly based upon short-term trend indications derived from macrocosmic criteria (ie, adaptation-by me -of Vedic "ashtakavarga" criteria) Hopefully no Member will be offended if I make comments regarding my OPINIONS about futures contracts prices, based upon this kind of model (NOTE: if the policy of this Forum is against use of such data, please let me know and I will be sure not to make such posts)

If any member is interested, I will freely elaborate the data (methodology and criteria) I use in my "models", upon posted request for me to do so: I have nothing to sell, I make no claims of any kind, am not involved in any related commercial or business enterprise, and emphasize that any comments I might have are ONLY MY OWN OPINION and nothing more than that, and further that whatever I have to say in such posts is the result of my experimentations, and is not being stated as "fact", "proven", nor to be regarded in any way as "authoritative".
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Have been a lurker on here for quite a while so have now decided to take the plunge.

I'm a fairly experienced trader who trades CCI divergence and correlation. I use the EURUSD and her partners for correlation during the London period, but I mainly use the GBPJPY for divergence as it has more volitility than the other pairs.
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Hello,my name is patrick,living in Belgium,trader indices,FTSE,DAX,AEX,ES futures.Like the post from dentist and postman.half time trader inter.brokers.learn everyday
Hi folks , just joined this now, im a day trader, and still learning about trading stocks, anyone who knows about forex and index's, please contact me 🙂
Hello everyone,

my name is Kevin, I'm a business advisor and I started studying trading strategies about a couple of years. I manage to close a quite large amount of positive trades but unfortunately when I have a negative trades I always don't know when is the right time to call out making few loss but of large amounts.

I'm trying to find my personal trading strategy, so to limit losses and improve the overall P&L.