Looks like a good place to Spam 4X PIPS and wedding dresses in this particular part of the forum.
I've ben messing about on Bullbearings for almost 4 years now and have raised my $100k virtual stake to $1.4B... all very well if in a virtual world where you can marry Lara Croftt, not much use in the real world.
So I'm tentatively playing with a considerably smaller stake on Plus 500, having made some money on their Demo account. One thing I hadn't really counted on is the Premiums (especially on weekends!), but it's a bit of learning money, so even if I lose the lot it's not the end of the world.
Monthly - Quarterly returns is usually what I've looked for, daily/hourly/minute monitoring just isn't really what I'm after... so I'm not sure if CFDs are really going to be for me. Anyone with more experience got any suggestions?
EDIT: I should add that while the above may sound like I think I'm "the big I am" by have a virtual account that reads "Your portfolio has increased by 1,428,975.02% in 46 months.", I really don't proclaim to know trading termanolgy and fully appreciate that being able to buy more shares than are issued on a company (as you can do on Bullbearings) and there being no change in price when buying up vast numbers of shares obviously is not realistic. Anyway, busily reading through
http://www.trade2win.com/boards/first-steps/89078-essentials-first-steps.html and noticing lots mistakes I have made (and hopefully being warned off several potential traps), but it's reassuring to read some honest stuf as opposed to "this time next year, Rodney" crap.