Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi everyone,

I am from Quebec (Canada). I am new to the technical analysis and I hop I will be learning a lot whith the community of T2W. My spelling in english is not fantastic.

Have a very nyce day

Hey Guys, I've been around the block. I've been searching for a new prop firm that trades futures. Found PulsarCap and TST seems they are the only firms out there using the open tryout on a simulator system. TST is legit....Pulsar I have questions about...:clover:


There is a thread in Trading for a living/trading for a firm discussing Pulsar Cap.
Hi, My name is Jake and I'm hoping I can learn about Financial Markets, I am about to attend university to study Financial Maths.
Hi everyone, im from Ireland. Im young and inexperienced but i hope to develop my knowledge through this website!
Hello comrades! I'm brand new to trading, but my pipe-dream is to do it full time. I imagine it could be very rewarding and offer freedom to choose where you live. I'm in Canada and right now I'm trying to figure out what trading platform to use, leaning towards ETX-Capital. Open to any advise on this.
Hello, I'm a futures trader from the midwest USA. I'm also a deep value equities investor and a precious metals stacker. I'm a chartist and employ several techniques to coax information from the charts. I cut my teeth on Arthur Sklarew and still utilize variations of his techniques.

Glad to be here, and good trading to all.

Hello, I run Footy Club Trader which is a new trading website you can try for free. See my profile

I make no attempt to hide the fact that I am wanting to promote the site here, however that is not the sole reason for joining T2W.

It seems a great place to exchange valuable information with traders which I hope will benefit my website as well as all our wallets!
Hello all,

This really is an informative site with a lifetime of knowledge to share. Great to be here on what will evidently be a very long journey🙂

Best regards.
Hi, I'm new to trading and not trying to sell anything. All I'm interested in what your experience has taught you and how I can avoid making any mistakes that you may have made.

I can start with one of my mistakes - I'm down on my account - not too bad but as a result I have decided to stop live trading and go back to trading on my demo account until I have really sorted out and fully understand my own trading method. So my first mistake was jumping into live trading too early (but it's so annoying watching a demo account increase in value!).

One other thing I have learned is that there is shovel loads of effluent about trading out there. Someone, somewhere must know what they are doing which they are prepared to share without some sort of angle.

Thanks all.
Hi my name is Sterling girl, brand new to anything trading, just trying to find where I should start, learning the lingo ect. Begining to see what kind of trader I want to be ect but watching Bloomberg, cnbc ect blows my mind can almost see my brain melting out of my ears hahaha please tell em someone else was like this in the beginning.😱
We(Million Parties Cover,Table Cover, Sash,runner,napkin) provide a wide selection of fine chair covers, table covers, napkins,runners and sashes in an array of styles and colors to compliment any theme or color scheme with an unconditional quality guarantee and can deliver by air or sea to your place. Search on millionparties website and you will not only get the designs and colors you want, but also get them at the prices you want. Meanwhile we make sure that you can get quality, elegant and nice items.
If you’d like to know all the colors we stock, pls check from the color charts according to materials and items on the website. From them,you can get an idea of what colors look like. Usually speaking,the colors look different from different screens and when they are made to end product , they are a little bit different from the acctual look but it is always necessary, better safer and easier to choose colors from the color charts to get the proper colors you need.
However if there is something specific you require,please call us and we will be pleased to do according to your ideas as we have designers and workers to do by ourselves.
We truly enjoy what we do. That is why it’s our mission to provide ambience through texture, color and design for your special event, regardless of size.
Appreciate your support and look forward to having the best information possible for you to access through our website or just read the brief introduction of our products in the followed and get a general idea.

Brief introduction of our chair cover:

A,spandex chair cover : a, plain spandex chair cover:

with different feet material: 1, polyester feet
2, cloth feet
3, rubber feet
b,shirred spandex chair cover:1,one shirred
2,two shirred
3,three shirred
4,shirred around
5,shirred around &spandex sahs with ring

B, polyester chair cover: a,polyester normal chair cover
b,polyester folding chair cover

C, satin chair cover: a, satin normal chair coveer
b,satin self tie (pillow case) chair cover

Brief introduction of our table cover:

A,plain table cover : a, 90" round/rectangle
b,120 " round/rectangle
c,132" round/rectangle

B, janquard table cover: a, 90" round/rectangle
b,120 " round/rectangle
c,132" round/rectangle

C,cocktail table cover : a,60cm round
b,80cm round
c,90cm round

Brief introduction of our sash:

A, spandex sash with ring :
B, satin sash
C,organza sash

Brief introduction of our napkin:
A, polyester napkin
B, satin napkin

Brief introduction of our runner:
A, organza runneer
B, satin runner
Hello Members,

I am new to trading and to this forum. My reason for being here is that I want to learn how to trade and know that it requires study and advice from experts in the field.

