Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi everyone, my name is kingsley and i m from Nigeria. I m looking for a professional trader to teach me how to trade.Thank you all
Hi all , my name is Klemen and i am a retail forex trade with 5 years of experience. I am looking people to share trade ideas , systems and ways to increase our profitability by trading currency markets.
Hey all. I have never traded in my life. I have watched my dad doing it for year and felt it's time i stopped watching and got started. I can't stand being told that I can't do something by my dad so I plan to prove him wrong.

I am a student currently, so i want to know what people think I should do to get started to raise some sort of trading capital. What should i do to start any sort of trading?

Please teach me, I am ready to learn.
Hey all. I have never traded in my life. I have watched my dad doing it for year and felt it's time i stopped watching and got started. I can't stand being told that I can't do something by my dad so I plan to prove him wrong.

I am a student currently, so i want to know what people think I should do to get started to raise some sort of trading capital. What should i do to start any sort of trading?

Please teach me, I am ready to learn.

Go to School of Pipsology when you learn the school give me a personal message for further work. Good luck 🙂

Hi,this is Debby.I just started working, so a lot of things do not know, I would like to learn more knowledge.Thank you.
Hi all,
I am a neophyte investor just learning the ropes so to speak. I am open to informed
Advice from anyone who knows their stuff. I am acquainted with Nasdaq dozen, IBD composite ratings(somewhat), a little about Van Tharp and his teachings, and want to know the best route
to use Oneill's "CanSlim" screening--where's the best website(s) to use in order to screen stock(free)
Using the CanSlim method? Thanks for any and all help/advice.
Btw, I'm learning by trial by fire having bought some shares of Aapl stock around 600/shr before it made
it's ongoing "correction". Will it stay above 525 which I happen to have my
Stop limit at. I also have shares in PII & RGR.(both long on)
Any other stocks to be long on during these rocky market times?
Hello everyone. I am new here but I have lurked threads on this site for a few years. I have won and lost in the currency market but now I have finally learned all my lessons the hard way of course but learned nonetheless.
I am Rameez , from Abu Dhabi. UAE.I started trading few years back (demo), but i stopped for two years due to my work schedule. Again i am in to the forex trading looking forward to learn more.
Good Luck to everyone
Hi everyone 🙂

I'm virtually an absolute beginner (I lost some money investing in some penny stocks years back and stopped afterwards). I decided to try trading again, this time with more care and after more practice.

Came across trade2win by accident. After going through ' Essentials Of 'First Steps'' - I really glad I did!

Hi everyone 🙂

I'm virtually an absolute beginner (I lost some money investing in some penny stocks years back and stopped afterwards). I decided to try trading again, this time with more care and after more practice.

Came across trade2win by accident. After going through ' Essentials Of 'First Steps'' - I really glad I did!


good luck trading everyone
Evening all

New to FX trading and have dabbled a bit in equities all in spread betting

Hoping to get some new ideas and bounce mine of you all - have used Malcolm Pryor as a base for my stratergies
Greetings Everyone...

I'm delighted to discover and join this forum. I very much like the tone and level-headedness in the introduction sections. As for a bit about me, I will quote from the bio I just completed in the profile section:

Retail stockbroker, VP NYSE member firm, Branch Manager, Analyst from 1975-1989. Computer systems integrator from 1989-1995 working with Fortune 500 companies in U.S. Internet marketing pioneer 1995-2011, having founded and sold five Internet companies.

I have been an active investor and trader since 1975. I concentrate fulltime on day and occassionally swing trading, focusing on stocks of small caps. I like small floats as they tend to have good volatility yet do not accommodate large institutional traders. I am constantly learning, continually afraid, always humble, and grateful that my advanced age has given me a bit more ability to control my emotions than I had when I was younger. I have paid a great deal of tuition trying to learn investing over the years and I aspire to trading successfully into my doddering old age (assuming I haven't reached it already).

I'm going to read and keep my mouth shut for the most part as the older I get the more I realize how little I know.