Greetings Everyone...
I'm delighted to discover and join this forum. I very much like the tone and level-headedness in the introduction sections. As for a bit about me, I will quote from the bio I just completed in the profile section:
Retail stockbroker, VP NYSE member firm, Branch Manager, Analyst from 1975-1989. Computer systems integrator from 1989-1995 working with Fortune 500 companies in U.S. Internet marketing pioneer 1995-2011, having founded and sold five Internet companies.
I have been an active investor and trader since 1975. I concentrate fulltime on day and occassionally swing trading, focusing on stocks of small caps. I like small floats as they tend to have good volatility yet do not accommodate large institutional traders. I am constantly learning, continually afraid, always humble, and grateful that my advanced age has given me a bit more ability to control my emotions than I had when I was younger. I have paid a great deal of tuition trying to learn investing over the years and I aspire to trading successfully into my doddering old age (assuming I haven't reached it already).
I'm going to read and keep my mouth shut for the most part as the older I get the more I realize how little I know.