Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi there, good to see everyone. Ill be posting a daily analysis of the majors with my pick of the day for those of you who want to get involved.
Fisher Capital Management- all other scam companies where you have bought through them shares in companies listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange. Where you have evidence or suspicion that these are not what they seem to be. Please report the details to [email protected] they will look in to this. Martin Nittal
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange closes Open Market - First Quotation Board

( February 21, 2012 -- Frankfurt, February 21, 2012. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange closes the "Open Market - First Quotation Board" segment for equity securities. The possibility of listing a company had been ended already back in December 2011. The final closing will take effect around Q3 of 2012. Therefore, companies listed on the First Quotation Board are urged to take action quickly.
The First Quotation Board of the Open Market has been an unregulated segment with no transparency requirements to the issuer following the initial listing. No prospectus was required for listings in the First Quotation Board if the listing was done in combination with a private placement to institutional investors………..

But the suspicion of market-manipulation in the First Quotation Board had led the German Stock Exchange to the decision to change the rules of listing.
According to the plans now announced by the German Stock Exchange, in order not to be delisted, shares must be upgraded to a higher segment (such as the Entry Standard, the General Standard or the Prime Standard). As a result, a public offering including a prospec-tus will be mandatory in the future. Issuers who fail or refuse to do so will have their shares delisted and their trading in the segment will be stopped. In this case, most likely there will not be any compensation for the holders of these shares.

fr financial relations Gmbh
Jörn Gleisner
Gutleutstraße 75
60329 Frankfurt
+49 (0)69/ 95 90 83 -20
+49 (0)69/ 95 90 83 -99
info ( @ ) financial-relations dot de
Hello everyone 🙂
I have traded for 7 years and now successfully trade EUR / USD with a strategy that makes me over 2,000 points a year. I am new to this forum and would welcome hearing from anyone
Hey tradewin,

Names Ricky. I have been looking to trade for a while now. However due to some "complications" had to put of trading. However this was a good thing, it has given me plenty of time to define my trading method/strategy and test them with demo account / paper based trading.

I am looking to fund my live account in the up coming month and see how things go.
Facebook estimates it makes about $180 per user. Amazon estimates about $450/user. MEDL makes about $30/user, and it expects to grow its user base to over 50 million users this year. Hello next billion-dollar company?

Have you heard of MEDL Mobile? They have a bunch of apps for iPhone/iPad (App Store - MEDL Mobile, Inc.) but they also have a pretty cool technology that gives relevant recommendations based on your behavior. No other company has the technology to predict what other apps you will like (unless you download a separate survey/preferences app). MEDL does a nice job of including "prediction" in every app you download from its store, so it can recommend other cool things for you.
hey guys, my names Luke. 22 from Australia ( but living in Wales now.) looking to get into trading as a full time job.

though i am a complete noobie in this. I know most of the jargon. I have been reading The Australian finical review since i was 15. ( haven't been able to since I been in Wales )

right now i am paper trading. since i am broke. ( moving to wales doesn't seam to have been a good idea. a good exp. though. ) i mostly trade Forex since i have metarader 4 . I do want to trade stocks also, though right now i'm NOT looking for tips of any kind because i can't use them. I'm looking to learn the fundamentals to becoming a technical trader.

if anyone wants to chat let me know.
Hi All
I'm only starting and have a lot to learn
Main aims - keep capital safe and spend any surplus on good food and boats
Hi there, I just found this thread after I made my first post...CMD are my initials, I was born in 1986, now I live in London UK, and I am happy to meet you all and join this forum. 🙂