Sticky Introduce Yourself

Good evening I'm from Nigeria and looking for people to help me get some money out of the country 😉 not really a software developer from the uk.
Hi everyone, i've been trading on & off for about 5yrs & the journey is slow, frustrating & illusory, as so many before have found & so many will after also. But it's in communities such as this where a great deal of help is at hand, and i'm thankful for that. Also i would be nice to point the lesser experienced traders away from the mistakes i've made.
Hi all. I came across the site in some of my research I'm doing for a trading arcade idea, as well as searching for useful trading information. So far its a great resource and looking forward to learning and getting good feedback.
hi i'm safa , i like TradeStation it's very interested, and i like to ameliorate it
so i have to learn haw to use EasyLanguage.
hi everybody, its nice being on this great forum where i hope to learn from others how to be profitable trading. cant wait to start.thanks all
Hi Im just getting started and looking forward to start trading. Any help from you guys whould be helpful. Looking for a good chart reading program and course. I want to learn before I start trading.
This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:
First Steps


I am new to this forum. I live in the United States and recently purchased Forex Morning Trade. I hope to learn a lot in this forum.

Hi , Just joined here. Currently interested in simple strategies- they work the best.
And not hopping around for any quick fix. I trade ES,TF,YM, and now some currencies: Eur/usd,Gb/Yen less frequently.
I am interested in knowing more about the Ichiro maku moving averages.
Currently I use simple MA's and Macd with Stochs. for entries.
look forward to contribute.
Only positive posts please. No put downs. Tx.
Hi Guys!

I'm a MultiCharts user and would highly recommend the platform. Currently I'm using DTN IQfeed which is OK. However, there are outages in the datafeed which seem to to occure at periods of high volume, This really threatens any short-term market position. Any feed back on alternate providers of reliable tick data would be greatly appreciated.


Hi people,

Just thought its about time i introduce myself..
i'm a part time currency trader and have been involved in the markets for the past 2 years. After consistently losing money week in week out, I finally decided to go back to basics and learn the fundamentals of trading, i'e risk management, psychology, etc...

I think i'm now a better trader, but there's always room for improvement and the learning process never stops. I was hoping to meet some like minded Forex traders in here that would be interested in sharing ideas and learning from each other.

I use a simple trend following moving average cross over method. So anyone using the same strategy get in touch.
Hey all,

New to the forum so I figured I'd introduce myself...

I'm a Canadian trader that's been playing around with swing/long term trading TSX based stocks for about 10 years. Recently I've started scalping on a part time basis with some decent results. Averaging about $200 CDN on a daily basis. Pretty happy with that number but would like to improve and maybe trade full time in the future.

Even though I've had a trading account for 10 years I still consider myself a newbie... especially with the scalping. For the most part I use level 2, Time and sales, Stochastics, and volume for my trigger points. Always willing to hear opinions and other recommendations....

Looking forward to learning a lot more and having a profitable New Year....