Sticky Introduce Yourself

hello to every one

I m beginner trader.and be gratefull
1-what are the best resourse to receipt eco news that are helpfull for trading?
2-who can I export updata from metatrader to advanced get ?
Hellow to all futures traders

I have been trading stocks and futures for over 15 years and have a very good system for trading futures. It took me a long time to get it were it is now but it is quite unique and very simple. if interested in more just let me know on a post here.

Sincerly. The Hunter

Hi Hunter, Thanks for the offer, yes let me know more about your system.

I am currently working as Support Manager at Global Financial Datafeeds LLP - a company engaged in dissiminating realtime data of Indian Stock Exchanges. I was actively involved in day trading from 2005 to 2009.

Best Regards,
Just here to read all i can possible read and learn all i can possibly learn about day investing in general. I'm more interested in day trading so I have dedicated 2011 to learning all I can learn before even giving it a try.
This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:

I'm a newbie to this and looking for some feedback on Goldrock Ltd who are into Forex trading. The initial intro and speed lessons I had with them so far look encouraging but before I take the plunge and chuck $5K+ their way for mentoring and support, I just need to be sure I'm doing the right thing and this is not a SCAM!! Many thanks. Roger.

I am new in this forum.

I am trader since 1996 and always looking for new ideas and trading strategies. Usually I am trading Futures and Equities.

At the moment i am starting to learn how to program my ideas. This is very difficult for me. I hope that you will help and support me by learning and implementing strategies.


Complete newbie
Coming from an IT /business analysis background.
I Googled Vince Stanzione scam and hit your website.
Here to learn from scratch and gain insight about trading from home.
Hi all, my name is Paul Alexander, 20years old. I'm a pretty much a complete novice when it comes to trading at the moment. Found this site whilst searching the internet and decided to give it a go. Really interested in pursing a career as a trader in the city, I'm in my final year of a Business Economics and Finance course looking to gain as much experience in trading before applying to graduate schemes at the end of this year. Here to learn about as many techniques as possible etc. Any information/help anyone can give me, especially when it comes to things that will help me in an application for grad trading scheme would be very useful!

Hi All, I would like to tkae the chance to introduce myself.

I trade spot FX with semi-automatic robots, hope to get familiar with other instruments, derivatives and share profitable ideas. I'm also looking for anybody motivated to share programming work (makes debugging much less painfull, and stimulates idea generation)
Hi all,
I am a 13 year private equity trader.
Forex and futures are my game. Currently I am enjoying the Forex markets exclusively.
From very humble beginings I am now the principle of The Pelican Fund.
I have certainly had my ups and downs.
I have joined this forum to help out anyone that needs it in this journey of financial and life prosperity.

Best regards,

Hello! New to T2W but not to equity trading; been there, done that a long time ago, and definitely have the scars to prove it - like my long position with hefty margin opened two days before 9/11, by the time I could bail I'd lost some 75% of my entire estate and it's taken me ten years since to get nearly back to where I was then. One can't be bitter, and I'm absolutely not - after all, many others lost so much more than mere money.

Tim \o/

My trading style is to do a numeric analysis on a year of EOD prices then find out what makes a good buy or sell signal relative to the open, high, low and close prices. Anyone else use this technique?