Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi traders,

A big hello to all. Hope all is going well with all. I like this neat and easy to view site. Good jobs.

I started investing in stocks more than a decade ago. Started trading forex 4 years ago, then option more than a year ago...My trades are based on both fundamentals and TA.

I love reading books and articles (never a seminar or webnar person) love to hear reviews/analysis/opinions on various related matters from fellow traders.
hey all...

i've been lurking for a while now & thought it was time i joined up. i'm a fulltime trader (mainly goslin approach/arbitrage) in the midwest, USA. great threads & ideas on here, looking forward to engaging in discussions.


1st post 🙂

I did a small amount of stock trading in the late 90s, then switched to middle of the road mutual funds.

I have been reading and studying on becoming a short-term trader. Ready to undertake something that involves me and only me, no employees involved.

Anyone around Nashville?
Hi there, everyone,

This is my first post here, for now I will go 'underground' reading and absorbing information and knowledge about trading.
When that, and my first steps into trading will be succesfull, you will see me again. I'm guessing a 50% chance 😉

See you around... hopefully 🙂
Very glad to meet all of you. It is a good decision for you to take this online business. Now Forex trading is easier. There are many guidance for newbies to learn about it. Their method is easy. But I want to know about you motivation. WHY DO YOU DECIDE TO BE A TRADER. Certainly, every one has his/her reason. I myself have a reason, trading is a comfortable activity in front of my computer and this is a profitable activity to fund my play group in Indonesia, in a marginal society there. I need your support too for this activity.
Thanks a lot.
This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:

hello all...

I've been lurking for a many years now and thought it was time I signed up. I'm a fulltime trader, coach and mentor in the home county's of the UK. Intresting threads & ideas within the forum, so will look forward to engaging in discussions. regards, fxst
Hi all .. First think to say ...
what a very excellent place to learn .. My Name asih .. just call me i-c .. 😀
just start trading full time 1 year ago .. and still need a lot of things to learn .. ^^
hope this is the place to start ..

I'm not a professional trader at all .. Just working my pips up and down .. Right now .. i'm interested on learning a new system that can support my old ways .. 🙂)

Nice to know you all ... ^^
Hi Everyone,

New to the forum. I have a company called ForexAtom. We are based in New Zealand but have clients world wide. We only work with spot fx and have a signal service, which currently is up 961 pips for the month 🙂 We also do a managed accounts service through Interactive Brokers for retail and institutional investors. Lastly we offer Forex Education.

We have been operating since 2008, and have an some pretty great results since then. We are always looking for more people to join our team and to make connections with. Feel free to visit our site or send us an email with any questions.

Happy Trading All!
HI all,

Just sayin' hello and look forward to gaining more knowledge from the wealth of experience that seems to be around here.

Hi folks,

I'm very new to trading after 20 years of wanting to learn it and try it out. But life got in the way with jobs taking up too much time and a bad layoff in the late 80s that drained everything I had and I still had two kids to raise. I'm finally in a position to learn this stuff and I am hoping to find good info on this site to help guide me to advisory services and, more importantly, how to decide whether or not a particular recommendation is a good one.

I subscribed to a couple advisory services, paper traded for a short while and did okay and then went live right when the market went nuts a couple months ago. Net losses since then - about 10% of my portfolio. Time to be cautious again I think - lol.

I'm not looking to make a fortune, just a couple thousand a month extra income so retirement won't be so tough and so I can pursue the other activities I love. Hopefully I can find the right combination of advisory services and verification methods to make small but consistent net gains.

I look forward to lively discussions and if anyone has recommendations on achieving that goal, feel free to post back to me.

Thanks and peace to all.....
i worked at home and invest stocks in china. I like technical analysis very much. I do belly breathe 3 times, more than an hour, almost every day.
I am looking forward to meeting friends and enchancing my technicacl analyis capability here.

thanks a lot for your time!
G'day everyone,

I'm Rees, I'm new to Forex trading, I've been practice for over a week now. I hope to learn a lot here.
Hi all the Respected Members,🙂
I m Ashutosh frm INDIA........
I m jst looking forward as a career in Retail Forex Trading........
I m intrstd in Day Trading(Scalping) as well Positional Trading.....
So i rqst all the respected/experinced...traders n help all angles based on Technical Analysis.
Thanks all of You...:clap:

Thanks for the FOUNDER & ADMINISTRATOR👍 launch/provide such usefull & experience/knoweldge/strategies ....sharing platform