Sticky Introduce Yourself


I am treating that post as not spamming (and commenting publicly so that the other moderators know I've checked it) but can you be careful not to overdo the practice of posting links to your blog here. It is much preferred that you post content here rather than linking off site and significant repetition is likely to result in penalties.

Welcome 🙂

And also Welcome to pwardahana, Kid Shelleen, and Bear.🙂

Many thanks nine!
First Post

Hi All,

I am new to this forum, so I just wanted to say that I look forward to learning and sharing ideas. I believe it is important to never let successes fool me into thinking I don't need to learn. The markets have really reminded me of that this month, hence finally joining this site.

I'm a Professional Trader, and have been with my current proprietary firm for just under 9 months. It is a job that can have me ecstatic one day and pulling my hair out the next, but I enjoy the challenge. I trade equities and ETFs in the US, and am primarily a very short term scalper, but when things look right I try to hang on for the ride. I am looking to diversify my strategies while constantly refining those I currently use.

Looking forward to chatting and getting to know some of you.

Hi everyone.
I'm a total novice when it comes to trading so I hope that this site is going to be able to give me some sound advice about the subject so that I can learn how to supplement my pension!
I've been looking at training courses and am not convinced that any of them are worth the money. So far I've looked at Traders University and Sid Wyemann's courses. In both cases I was firmly put off by the fact that they would not give me the names of references before I parted with my cash. TU did give me the name of a guy to ring but having asked for someone in the Northwich area I found he lived in Norwich! Furthermore he turned out to be one of TU's mentors so hardly impartial and when I pressed for a more independent reference the emails stopped coming! If anyone has any experience of Sid Wyemann's Forex for Beginners course I'd be very interested to hear about it.
In the meantime I'm wading my way through the excellent Making Money Trading thread on this web site from which I hope to pick up the beginnings of a system that I can start experiment with.

Welcome LesE.

It might be worth saving your pounds for a short while a read through the many threads on this website for the next month or so. Some excellent ideas/strategies have been posted, together with feedback about various 'paid for' courses and there's loads of free advice from other members as well.

Good luck & happy reading
Hello World

I'm Pete, now living in Oz and trading ASX CFDs. Looking to trade similar systems in the UK bt aving problems getting accurate, reliable data (closing price issue might ring a bell with people?).

Anyway, hppy to provide info on trading the ASX in return for whatever I can gt to help me trade the LSE.

my name is paul an acctant by profession and close to my 40. I hope to have a nice time trading forex.
Hi All,
I am a newbie and was introduced to this site by my friend Lee Shephard. I am here to explore any tested method for successful trading using indicators and other mean of predicting the market.
I am interested in trend trading on Indices and or Forex.

Please I will appreciate in no small measure, anyone who is kind enough to show me the way to successful trading (with intelligence and not Guess work)

I have Vantage Point software but not able to use this to any success so far and maybe this sounds familier to some of you..
Hi everyone

Hi all.
I'm David and live in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

I've been spreadbetting on forex and indices and discovered the site whilst on the hunt for new strategies to make my trading more successful...

Looking forward to learning more and hopefully making many new "rich" friends ! 🙂

See you on the forums...
Hi all -- very new to the game. Interested in economics, finance, politics, strategy, IR, macro, banking, monetary policy, the gold standard, etc, etc...
Hello at everyone

Hello at you all.
I am a 2-year trader without success.
I tried trading with stocks, options, and futures.
Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost: the balance is negative.

I am also looking at courses but I always find forums where someone already bought and had a negative experience.

What I would like to study is a very simple method, using technical analysis, a series of indicators, possibly in daily time frame.

Does anyone want to do this path with me? Can you help me in this goal?

Many thanks and best regards at you,
New member

Hi I'm a new member, and keen to learn all there is about trading. Just reading "Adventures of a Trader". Need to ensure i keep my feet on the ground, am focused and build and keep to a system. By for now.
Greetings and Salutations

I am trading my own account and consulting. I used to trade for the Domestic Securities (SOES Bandits). Before that ING Investment Mgt VP Portfolio Mgr fixed income, FX/Capital Markets Bank of Bermuda, VP Citibank IR yada yada yada.
hello everybody

my name is udi from isreal.we r trading boxes in the euribor,i would like 2 know if there anothers traders here that trade that.thanks
Hi Guys, hope you are all well... This is just a quick intro of me... I am full time currency trader for the past year and it is been an exciting roller coaster ride... enjoyed it inc the buzz when trades go madly wrong... lol...

Anyway, could anyone who has had experience with CAPITALFOREX PRO to kindly give some feedback plz... My main concern is that they require $35000 and what peace of mind/ security do I have if they decide to close doors soon... Been deceived with PacificContinental last year... So, obviously now, have to be more cautious... Many thanks Guys n Gals and look fwd for your reply soon... Take Care, Lertiz.
Hi Guys, hope you are all well... This is just a quick intro of me... I am full time currency trader for the past year and it is been an exciting roller coaster ride... enjoyed it inc the buzz when trades go madly wrong... lol...

Anyway, could anyone who has had experience with CAPITALFOREX PRO to kindly give some feedback plz... My main concern is that they require $35000 and what peace of mind/ security do I have if they decide to close doors soon... Been deceived with PacificContinental last year... So, obviously now, have to be more cautious... Many thanks Guys n Gals and look fwd for your reply soon... Take Care, Lertiz.

Hi Leritz,

Capital Forex is part of London Capital Group, and LCG is listed on AIM so you can check their balance sheet and forecasts. If that doesn't calm the worries, you could check whether they would accept that you trade against a bank guarantee - i.e. you put the $35K in a bank account and have the bank write a guarantee to LCG that they would cover trading losses etc up to $35K, but not provide funds for any other reason such as bankruptcy. The downside would be that you would have to pay funding interest to LCG that probably would be higher than the interest on the bank account.

Hope that helps,


Just checked. At the end of the financial year 2007 LCG was debt free and had £10.28M in cash. The EBITDA margin was 51% on a turnover of £18.98M. Sounds solid to me.

I live near Barcelona, Spain and am new to Forex. Three months trying to learn from the information found in the Internet but so much information...... sometimes much information is counterproductive if you cannot separate good stuff from bad stuff. I hope I can find here some answers.

Take care
Can someone explain how to use level II for trading - TIA

This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:
First Steps - T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums

I am semi-retired learning to trade. Had some success as a short term position / swing trader / active investor now developing as an active trader.

I need some help understanding level II data, beyond the number of bid / ask etc. Any articles or reference to good reference web sites would be appreciated.

