Sticky Introduce Yourself

HI all, another newbie to join the forums.

I have been Trading full time from home now for two years, since being made redundant in 2008. Wish i had joined this forum two years ago, i have been scanning through some of the threads and have learnt some great things.

I’m looking forward to learning from the wealth of knowledge in these forums.:clap:
Hi Reksa, I am much more newy and would be interested in your 2 years experience and maybe share some thoughts. you could e-mail me direct which might be the easiest on [email protected].
look fwd to hearing from you.
Hi everyone, joined this morning, hoping to find articles and help from 'real' traders. I have been demo trading for 2 months and am making a profit! I have read more in 2 months than in the last year and as well as learning this craft of trading am now able to filter out the "crap" that is written [just to sell expensive training and automated systems].

In my opion the necessary tools to enable you to trade sucessfully are on the charts already, you just have to learn how to use them. The second "law" is 'know thyself', you must be able to control [if thats the right word] yourself, trade your plan, keep records of you trading, be disciplined at ALL times, if thats possible.

Now, just for you dear reader, a one off opportunity to learn my unique trading methods, subscribe to my emails, blogs, webinars, ebooks, if you don't make the cost back in your first day of trading i'll refund y....

Hi everyone, joined this morning, hoping to find articles and help from 'real' traders. I have been demo trading for 2 months and am making a profit! I have read more in 2 months than in the last year and as well as learning this craft of trading am now able to filter out the "crap" that is written [just to sell expensive training and automated systems].

In my opion the necessary tools to enable you to trade sucessfully are on the charts already, you just have to learn how to use them. The second "law" is 'know thyself', you must be able to control [if thats the right word] yourself, trade your plan, keep records of you trading, be disciplined at ALL times, if thats possible.

Now, just for you dear reader, a one off opportunity to learn my unique trading methods, subscribe to my emails, blogs, webinars, ebooks, if you don't make the cost back in your first day of trading i'll refund y....

did you finish?... where is this opp?
I am from UK - I lost my job due to redundancy back in June 2010 - been learning & doing full time fx trading since then - not been very successful but getting there slowly... 🙂

hello everyone,

Dear All,

Unlike you all I am very much a baby in the trading world but willing to learn and start trading. It will also be a complete careers change so really looking for advice on how to get started or where is a good stop to learn (Online or courses).

Looking forward to reading all your insightful posts.

Hi Im Ricardo I use to live in London for almost three years and I discover the financial markets since then Im amused im an avid follower of the financial news and chartism ´´metatrader´´ I went to the shneider course and I couldnt secure my place there family emergency hello to everyone from shneider they are really cool. my question is any one nows anything about amplify trading I really apreciate. know Im based in mexico nd hopefully I´ll strike back in 2012
Hello all,

I work as a community manager for OANDA. I have been working in FX for about 10 years in various roles and I am here to help you with any questions or feedback about OANDA.
Hi ya mate,
My names' Dornye, i am the same just a learner (but a old learner) there is a lot of good advice on here off good people but be careful as no doubt they will tell you as well.
Regards Dornye😎

Hello to all,

This is a quick hello to everyone who regularly uses this site.
I'm very new with limited to no experience so you will be able to see (and critique) my baby steps into the world of trading.

The reason I have joined is that a number of websites and newspapers seem to contain adverts for "Pay us £XXXX and we will make you a trader within months!". While i'm currently looking for a change of career I would rather do something properly than rushed. The stench of "Scam" seems almost overpowering with these miracle courses so id rather dabble while i continue on with my day job until i'm confident to make a permanent change. I'l admit that some people have glamorized the potential for success with trading which is what has attracted me to start researching it so i just hope that once i get my head around it all I'l be happy with this decision.

If my questions seems retarded, ignorant or just plain off topic then feel free to point it out as I am here to learn!
Thats all for now.

Many thanks,
I am from UK - I lost my job due to redundancy back in June 2010 - been learning & doing full time fx trading since then - not been very successful but getting there slowly... 🙂

Hi, I am in a similar situation and would like to chat about different issues that we face trading forex.
Would welcome an e-mail for further introduction. I am here in OZ.
[email protected]
Hi there,

Just wanted to introduce myself; my name’s Samantha and I’ve just started a recruitment company for Young people; school leavers and graduates, who are looking to start a career within the industry of Trading/Broking.

It’s not like a usual recruitment agency where they simply act as a middle man and charge a stupid amount of money to place one of their candidates.

The aim of my company is different; I want to help these young people get into the world of work as well as finding companies like you young and enthusiastic people who have a true passion to start a career within this field of work and are willing to start from the bottom, working their way up to the top.

I have hundreds of young and hungry people on my books that are currently in the search for a career so if anybody is looking for a driven individual to join their Company then please get in touch with me!

Or if you yourself are currently seeking a job then send me your cv!

My email is [email protected]
Hi everyone,
Brand new to Forex, just started learning about it in the last few weeks. So much to learn but really excited about the potential. Looking forward to playing an active role in the forums.