Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hello everyone. I am new to all this. I am mainly doing research for now and getting a feel for things. I live in the So. California, and look forward to communicatin with other traders.
Hi all,
I am a Trend Following trader, trading the Indian markets. Looking to trade US markets in near future in process of gathering information and getting the feel of it.
Hi guys, I am very new to this Forex game and currently finding a bit difficult to settle into studying the theory of trading and feeling a bit pessimistic about the whole thing. This is my first post in this forum.
Hi guys, I am very new to this Forex game and currently finding a bit difficult to settle into studying the theory of trading and feeling a bit pessimistic about the whole thing. This is my first post in this forum.

Welcome! Remember: All things are different before they are easy! ALL! :smart:
Hi everyone - have been trading for about 2 years and have settled on Forex - mainly Cable and Eur/USD - hoping to learn from everyone here !!
Hi all,

I am new to forex trading but I have little experience in shares.I really want to learn more about forex trading by joining this forum.I am using a demo account at the moment till I am confident enough.

Thanks for your help
Hi guys - new here but enjoying the discussions.

I'm learning FOREX and have an interest in James16 Group approach ( the beauty of pure Price Action.) I'm not that consistent as yet though!

Anyway - immediate interests are in the Ross Hook and 123 reversal patterns. I saw a Ross Hook indicator available on the web which looked good - anyone got it?

I am enjoying the forum and hope to frequent it!

hello! my name is olivier-tree and I am me interrese with the tading depus a few months and I must say that there is to drink and has to eat in the indicators but I seek a good indicator having a good rate of is difficult to make are choice because there is beaucoups arnaques.enfin I find the trading impassion.afflicted for my English.see you.
Hi all,
Thank you for sharing your insights everyone.
I made some mathematical researchs based on new kind of logic, and working on new indicators.

All the best
hi all
I am very happy to discover this site and its wonderful participants. Daily study, reading articles, testing and even applying some of the trading strategies discussed here have encouraged me to believe that the forex market is real and can be profitable if given due attention.
I want to keep on learning with you all
Hi all,

I've been doing a little forex trading for about a year now, mainly using trading systems, and am here to try to pick up simple tips, broaden my knowledge and increase my profits.

Hi everybody. I have bought shares for a few years with varying degrees of success and now have a couple of spread betting accounts of which I have used with a few bought systems,latest DIT and non with any success. I have now joined T2W to try and improve my education, pick up tips and offer any advice ( not much) that I can. First bit would be to read all reviews like on this site before parting with any hard earned cash. Good luck to everybody
Hi there.
I did register here some years ago and have now re-registered after gaining a healthy appetite for trading 🙂
Hello all

I've been an intermittent lurker for a long time and although I've always felt like trading was something I could be good at I've never fully committed.

So, I decided to make the neccessary sacrifices for the next few months and immerse myself in the trading world. Meaning no drinking and putting in a minimum of 20 hours per week (over my full time job), reading material and analysing potential set ups. We'll see where we are in 3 months time...

I'm currently following the Making Money Trading thread by Trader Dante which is excellent. Hopefully I'll be able to apply what I've learnt there to real trading situations.

All the best
total newbie here who is an expert procrastinator. I have purchased a few programs but returned many without even trying them. Purchased the FXCM course for newbies last year which I enjoyed and also the Forex Net Trap and just recently Newsnight Trader. New Years resolution is to do this on a consistent basis learning from other people in the same boat or those that have achieved a modicum of success with their methods. Look forward to learning and motivating myself from all you guys.

We are the Widgets. We used to be invested but when this recession took hold we were informed by our broker that we were quote "wiped out." That took care of our retirement account and rainy day funds. We have invested in the past buying and selling common stocks, we do not get involved with any funds except Closed End Listed Shares. No longer will we allow a brokerage to manage our funds as we are now slowly getting back into the market.
I am new to this trading but I have more experiences in Financial services..which almost problems arise in 2008..and I left my few months I opened an account with IG Index but never made any trade..rather I am getting day by day very good informations from this site Trade2win..and also some books from IG I need a mentor..or guide..even who can help me in work experiences or operational hands experiences..share become more confident in my own...thanks