Sticky Introduce Yourself

hi..i m going by the name know "once bitten twice shy"?....i have been studing a couple of books..there are so many things to know ........i have tried a few stock trades without much luck....i am hoping to listen and learn from other members and pass on that knowledge to someone else.....thanks
Hi Everyone,

I've been one this board for a month or so and thought it was about time I said hello. I'm located in the US and trade US stocks and ETF's. I've been trading for 20 years and was a stock broker in the early 90's. I've made money and I've lost money. That's the nature of this business.

I'm not a frequent poster on any board. Time is limited as I own a business. Trading is secondary to running my business.

Hello, I'm interested to find this place - I have had shares for year - mostly investing rather than trading - and I have been looking at spread betting in shares for some time. I can't devote the time to being a full time trader, but I have made a small amount from spread betting individual shares, which I watch carefully, and I think there's room to make more.

I don't use software, but follow individual shares closely. I would be interested in talking with others who do it the same way.
Re: hose long time trader

Hello everyone. I am a 23 year old female and I just started trading ftse 100 with IG Markets,I am currently unemployed and would like to know if I can make a living out of doing this. Also How do I go about researching before placing a winning trade??? Please can some advise me as I am in Desperate need of help and need to start making a living for me and my 2year old boy.....:?:

This is just a tip; you obviously have very little money to lose so read every free site on the internet, take advantage of all free graphs and internet education, money management etc. and try to understand how stocks move. Place your trade and always use stops below the entry price in the amount you can afford to lose. Sell short in a down trending market with stops above the entry price. Take all small profits, remember there is lways another stock to trade. If you wish to let a profit situation run then move your stops accordingly so that you do not lose all of your profit if the market turns against your trade.

Good luck--- Hose
Hello all. Great forum!


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I would like to ameliorate my trading and i'm sure your forum will help me. If I'm able to, I'll try to bring you my knowledge.
Hi all,

I signed up some time ago, this is my first post, basically I need some advice on spread betting, a few people that I know claim to make a constant second income from it, but I haven't a clue about the markets and what to do, I have opened an account with IG Index, but have not put any money into it as yet, any advice would be great on how to learn. I'm not looking to put alot into it as I cant afford that much. I would like to buy a a course to educate myself first (dont want to get ripped off by some of those voultures out there, so need advice on which training to avoid and whats the best training for absolute beginers who are not that academically clever).

I'm trading since few years and now, i would like to share my knowledges with others traders. It's difficult to be alone... I prefer the automatic trading. My plateform are TS8.6 and MT4. My stratégies run on TS and MT4 executes the ordrer from TS.
hi all, nice to meet you.
my name chandra from indonesia
i am 30 years old
i am new in forex.
i want to learn about forex in this forum.
i hope i get knowledge in this forum thanks
hi all,
I'm a total newbie to both T2W and trading... I've just begun reading and reseacrhing, I know that the TA side of things will very much appeal to my inner geek 🙂 does anyone have any suggestions about free trading platforms that I can start messing about with.. I'm keen to start experimenting with ideas I have, but there's not a chance I'd back myself with hard earned cash until I have some proof.....
all the best, oz
Hi. I have been trading (generally unsuccessfully) the FX for a few years. I want to (and know I can) make money from this market and need to be able to buckle down and learn how and eventually see the light bulb come on. I generally put on a trade too early, and have a stop loss which gets taken out and then the trade goes to the T/P I had in place. Have to learn how to read the signals so I can time the trade better.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Affolly wish to use this opportunity to introduce myself to you as a new entrant into forex world. Please during my stay I will require your help kindly help me. Currently, I need an EA that does not use indicator but the price.
The EA will place only two trade (Buy and Sell)at the start. The expected input should be
Number of pips for Take-Profit and lot size only. When the two trades Buy&Sell is open
the EA will take profit and immediately enter another trade. if profit is taken on buy trade
which mean there will sell trade on, another buy trade will be entered and if profit is take
on Sell trade another buy trade will be entered.The EA will only allow two trade BUY AND SELL
at all time. When profit is taken the opposite of the existing trade will be entered. Interested programmer should send mail to my emailbox : [email protected]. Thanks.
My name is Terry and have had some dealings since the first denationalised company BT went on the market.
I have also had a few bad experinces over the years, probably due to my inocence. The biggest of these was with Pacific Continental several K involved.
I have signed up to specifically find out about a company call Hudson Asset Mangement.


Hudson asset management are on the FSA warning list. They are scammers. Sorry I didn't see your post sooner, hope you didn't give them any money.
Hi All - I'm Simon from Hampshire Uk
Recently getting in to this, hoping it is not going to become totally addictive but aim is to try to find a way of saving by gaining a higher effective interest rate than 0.01%! I have 'invested' into a trading pot for which I am not planning to top up (or take out, before my first £1m:cheesy🙂
Aim is to start small and follow the Forex Net Trap system
Look forward to hearing good advice and maybe sharing some news that I find