Sticky Introduce Yourself


Hi all
Im new to posting
so i hope i get it right
also new to trading and look forward to picking up some good ideas from this site.
Ive been trading mainly the FTSE and the Australian 200 indices But im very interested in the forex. Have been listening to the teacher of FX Bootcamp particulally Wayne Mcdonald, they have a good video explaination of each days setups.
Has any one got a list of the best trending forex pairs? someone told me to follow the top 4 but i dont know.
Hello. Just signed in. I am searching for other traders trading system when I stumbled upon this forum. Hope I can be of help in the future. I have my blogspot at Risk Reward Ratio
Hi everyone,
I'm a new registration and haven't tried any forums at all in the past, but trading can be quite a solitary existance which is not good is it! So thought this might be a good way of sharing ideas and experiences with fellow traders. I have been trading for about 5 years on and off, learning lots and making losing lots! (making all the usual 'emotional' mistakes) however, my enthusiasm is still strong and I am determined to become a full time trader by January 2009.
I use TC2000, Dynamic Trader v5 prefer to trade the indices, oil, gold and currency pairs. My trading fund is very limited at the moment so I tend to spread bet, but really want to move to eminis and cfd's to trade the longer time frames, but need to build more capital to achieve this.
I am 61 and live in Northamptonshire and would be happy to discuss trading methods and strategies with any who might be interested.
Hello. Just signed in. I am searching for other traders trading system when I stumbled upon this forum. Hope I can be of help in the future. I have my blogspot at Risk Reward Ratio

love your blog, very intellligent analysis, clearly written 🙂

are you in Phillipines or Thailand, 'cos the blog has a lot of thai writing on it, or is that just my server playing tricks?
Hi all,

I'm just searching internet and find out this forum is so useful. I'm a newbie starting technical analysis research from today. So, i do hope everybody can help me.

Thank you very much for your posts and learning material shared.

Best Regards,

Hi Guys.

New to the site and new comer for forex. Would like to learn abc of the trade please guide me in the right direction.


Welcome Manny,

Are you trading live at present and if so how are you doing that - ie via broker, on-line, futures or cash ?
I found them! The gurooz. Please to meet yo'll

Hello everyone!! It's great to be a member of not the "bold and beautifull's", but the "rich and famous's".:clap:

I've been demoing for almost a year now, and have failed, succeeded, failed and succeeded:|. I have been demoing with GCI Financials' mini forex account, and have decided to start a live account. I have not yet deposited and thus emailed them to answer 2 questions I had. It's still not answered😡. The one was, what the differences between the demo and live accounts were, specificly program and execution delay.

Also, before I give my saved up pennies, can anyone pleezzz tel me which platform, company and brokers are the best overall in honesty, true real time steaming execution,
legality and account efficiency for forex trading is?

Hello, my name is Roberto and i am italian and if you want to know i don't speak english ... i work in a middle / little factory producing shirts for the european and american market.
My occupation is controller and chief information officer.
Best regards and good gain for all.
Hello, my name is Roberto and i am italian and if you want to know i don't speak english ... i work in a middle / little factory producing shirts for the european and american market.
My occupation is controller and chief information officer.
Best regards and good gain for all.

Hi Roberto,
welcome to T2W.
Where are you from in Italy ?
I used to live for 2 years in a small place called Cuneo, if you ever heard of it ? (don't worry, nobody else has ever heard of it either 😱 )
Hi Roberto,
welcome to T2W.
Where are you from in Italy ?
I used to live for 2 years in a small place called Cuneo, if you ever heard of it ? (don't worry, nobody else has ever heard of it either 😱 )

Hello, i live in Rimini, adriatic coast, in the north east of Italy. Yes I know Cuneo, it's located in Piemonte north west near Torino i think near but not very near!😀 Bye, see you later, Roberto

Hi everybody. I am Logan from Kuala Lumpur. I have been trading for a couple of years in index futures and commodities. Hope to learn more from each other.
Hey guys,

Just joined Trade2Win today and wanted to introduce myself. Quick question for everyone-I am looking to purchase a trading platform but am torn between Omnitrader and Tradestation. Any and all input would be great! 👍

Thanks and I look forward to utilizing the site.


just running a demo account on saxotrader...suits at least me I guess....Introducing SaxoTrader 2
Hello everyone

I have started learning Forex during the past 12 months, have traded live for 3 months, lost some money and now I am taking a break, learning a SOLID strategy.
Looking forward to be here and learn, and share what I have learned so far
Hi, my name is Ian. I am a science PhD student who plays poker and blogs as hobbies. I am thinking of taking up trading but have no experience as yet.
Hello everyone,

registered last week because I am planning to start trading again.

Have been away from the markets for many years and I am impressed by the changes that have been going on. This board is very informative, the best that I could find yet.
Hi All, new to this site looking forward to learn some new trick,
looks good from what I have seen so far.
