Hello, I just found this site today and was impressed. I have been trading less than a year and due to moving back to the states after being away for four years I am between jobs so I am trading full time.
I recently graduated with my Masters in Finance , was a software developer in my previous life .I have been investing since the last two years and making minuscle profits on an even more minuscle capital (for a student paying huge tuitions) .Hope to learn lots from you guys!
Hello friends
This is just to get acquainted about this particular part of this forum hope would be able to know more.
Hi, friends 🙂 I hope I can call you this way 🙂
Lots of stuff is needed to be learned and lots of mistakes are waiting in future 🙂
So lets try to avoid them and have fun? 🙂
:clap:You may be the most fantastic individual that ever walked the face of the earth, but I don't want to be like you? Why? Because, I am tickled to just be me.
Well, after loosing my job at IBM, du to economical crisis, a friend of mine, I had not seen since 10 years, just went to visit me and show me the big mystery of the Forex world. He is a Forex coach in Brussels. His personal Link : http://www.linkcity.com/fr/nasdaq
so, I just dug in the forex, and started to create my own regression linear indicator. Thats all folks
I am interested in hedge technics and also in HFT, becoz I am computer scientist
Again, thank you for your previous post, I was in Palo Alto in 1996 but decided to go back to Europe
Not handbags.....its a Chimp im looking for!!
This is Janeeyre from USA, i hope to become an excellent member 🙂
Hello everyone I am currently paper trading /ES on the TOS platform I have been paper trading 3 months, scalping is what has been working for me. For me trading as an occupation would be a dream come true.
Just stopped by not knowing what to expect but found a lot of interesting threads and so will come back and see if I can meet some new friends and trading buddies.
I am a Forex and futures trader and have been doing this off and on for a few years when other jobs don't take all my time. I have taken my lumps in the past before I found methods and trade styles that match my personality. Lately is going rather well and so I am thinking about turning down new assignments and focusing on trading exclusively.
Gday everyone am new to this and been trading fa nearly 12 months.back in March i think it was i signed up with LTG Goldrock.What a waste of money $5000 to join and receive access to a learning center that not only wastes my time but is all a hole lot of maybe,s and possibilities and potentially etc.Another $500 for text alerts that i havent received for over a month now.Unfortunately Ive paid up and wasted $5500.I would not recommend LTG Goldrock in a fit.They told me i would make money using my mobile phone with windows so bought phone another waste of $500.Grant Barnett told me with a $3000 account i would have made $2000 in the month of January.F#@$head I believed him.They tell you a 7 minute work day is all it takes but you receive texts (when you receive texts?)24hrs a day and if you miss the text at 2am you are not abiding by there rules and hence forfit any refund.Sneeky sly and very much a scam.But all the same buisness and consumer affairs cant do anything to stop them.They tell you that if you have money house family or health issues dont trade forex but only tell you ounce you have coughed up the cash.I thought i could use LTG Goldrock to get me off work cover but it has actually been detramantal.In my opinion save your money dont give them a cent its just not worth the outlay.