Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi all

Hi all,
I am very new at this game and been paper trading up till this point. Hope to start actual trading ( e mini S&P 500 ) next week and I am petriifed. But I seem to like the idea of momentum trading since I intend to trade only with long or short trends. I hope to gleam some gems from all you experts. And by the way, if there is someone from Manitoba in Canada please contact me so I can have a mentor who can help me out once in a while. I will need all the help I can get at this point.
It's, IBruce

This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:
First Steps - T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums

i am a newbie in this site and a forex trader trying to diversify mine investment into fixedodds trading we need some good technique and good signal one can start demo tradig with.
Greetings from dxbtradex

Good evening everybody! Though quite hot, but already evening in Dubai!
It's my pleasure to join the Trade2Win community. My new collegues have just introduced me to this site. Good possibility, thanks to Sharky and his work.
Been lurking here for a while... thought it's about time I make my first post.

I've been following the stock market for about 2 years now but it wasn't until December when I finally jumped in. Everything was going down and that was the time I've been waiting for... I've been riding the waves ever since and I've made a decent amount of cash. I'm currently finding ways to make a profitable system instead of just riding because I know this isn't going to last forever.

Anyway, the reason I got into this business is because this is perhaps the only profession with an unlimited upside. It's up to me how much money I make... and being 19, I have a lot of time to make all my dreams a reality. My first goal is to find a good system and to be able to pay my way through college. After I graduate, I plan on becoming a real estate developer!! And hopefully I can become very very rich.

Thanks for reading.

Erik G.
Hi Folks,
I am from India working as a Chem Engineer in Kuwait. Been here since the last 10 yrs and plan 2 call it quits in a few yrs time. As far as trading goes, i trade the Indian Markets on Fridays (my off day). Been an investor since early 90"s (in fact I still hold my first batch of investments) only started off trading since the last few yrs. Use AB / MS /MT4 and am learning TA (diff given my age). Hp 2 benefit from all the experienced traders on this forum. Regards.
Do You Have Any Advice

Hi Khokan:!:

You mention that you have lived in Kuwait for ten years and that you like to trade. Would you happen to know of any good trading firm here in the Middle East? I am just starting out in this business, I want to open an account soon, I am learning little by little.

Hi Khokan:!:

You mention that you have lived in Kuwait for ten years and that you like to trade. Would you happen to know of any good trading firm here in the Middle East? I am just starting out in this business, I want to open an account soon, I am learning little by little.

Hi dxbtradex,
Basically trade the Indian Markets.. thru my Indian Brokers (located in India) and their on line setup/datafeeds and software. You may also do the same with yr home broker. You need not look out for a Broker in the ME unless u r from the region and want to trade the markets here. In that case, I will check and inform u. Hp I reply was useful.. Adious
i am new to trading

I am new to trading. I tried a few years ago and lost all my capital. I have been working and saving to have another go at it and am I am looking for a good profitable system (who isn't?) . I have heard of Puretick and Traders international and a few others and they all say the same thing - we are the best and very profitable. Great.
Has anyone had any experience with Puretick? Or any other gurus?



I'm a former academic (life & pharmaceutical sciences) and interested to learn more about trading and investing. My interest is based upon my perception (perhaps erroneously)that success in trading is proportional to your knowledge and understanding of, and insight into, the global economy, financial markets and human psychology. Developing a trading strategy based on this, which incorporates a quantitative forecasting tool, is obviously a huge intellectual challenge which I find appealing. Coming from an academic background may, however, be a bit of a handicap according to some trading experts since academics have a habit of trying to explain or rationalise market observations before they act which can result in missed opportunities. If this is true then I have to do a lot of unlearning before I start trading. I am, therefore, interested to connect with traders who can provide guidance and help shape my mindset to be in synchrony with the dynamics in the marketplace.

Kind regards and best wishes to everyone out there

This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:
First Steps - T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums
Newbie PJ

Hi Traders

I have been day trading full time for a year now with some success and many failures.
Having spent many hours reading trading books, visiting seminars and searching the web, I'm slowly getting my trading plan in place.
The key issues for me :-
Risk management
Position sizing based on account size
Finding your personal strategy and back testing
Cut losses, cut losses, cut losses !
Discipline and trading psychology
Using a trading journal to analyze winners and losers

Nobody said this would be easy and it's commonly accepted that 9 out of 10 traders will zero their accounts in the first year.
I am open to all positive suggestions, hope to learn from you all and maybe contribute some advice in the future from my successes and failures.
Hope to be still trading a year from now.

Good trading
Hi Paul
Welcome to another Newbie, glad to know that there is someone out there listening.
I don't think I'm the right person to advise anyone yet, but thought I might mention a website that I visit for some good basic trading advice.
Check out Ezeetrader - online trading made easy
This is run by two guys called Kym Watson & Kevin Burton who I met at the IX show in London last week. They have some brilliant trading strategies.
You will find some good free content on the website concerning trading rules, trading psychology, etc
Also you can sign up for some free e-mail video updates on index trading and Currency trading (Forex).
They also have many training products, CD's etc for sale which you might like to order when you have some spare money in your trading account !
Good luck
Pete Warner

I am a noob here, not in the trading field. And would like to exchange some feedback with all of you, fellow members, so that I can learn and you can too from what I can humbly show you. So... Let´s keep in touch and... make money while enjoying the trades!

Glad to join this community and forums. Have doing trade in Live. Interested in Mechanics/Manual and Automatics tradings system. Wanna to develop a good system for anyone. I am still learning. Appreciate help and discussion for senior/pro members.

Hi to All,

Aspiring novice trader I am. Having gone through the delusional "the market is conspired to go against me" thoughts I am developing the emotional detachment necessary to become a successful trader. I have the discipline to learn to be disciplined and knack for math though.

This site seems to be great.

Best wishes to all,
I am Raja from Singapore. I use TOS for my trading. I do some YM E mini trading also. I read some threads on YM trading wherein some system is mentioned. Understand Mr.Basheer has posted. I can not locate the same. Appreciate some guidance on this.
Hi All,

Just got in the arena and am quite excited about learning how to tackle a trade. I intend on becoming a master at this and am prepared for sleepless nights, and reaching to work late a few times.

My interest is in forex trading and I know it is very volatile but I love challenges. I hope you masters out there are willing to take on a snot nose little fella like me and part with some of you knowledge. Make me your "little grasshopper".

Thanks for a great site like this one.