Hi T2W. 1st post...please go easy with me..
New to trading. Just trading a demo account with Capital for now. Started Friday and have made £270 in 2 days over 8 trades with 100% SR. I'm sure that will change very soon lol..
Have background in music/tv and working for fincancial vendors in the city etc (alon time ago mergers lol)- i'm stumped if i can remember what all the products and charts did now so will need to retrain from scratch.. I also run some relatively decent trading activity on Betfair (though selling low and buying high is obivously a no no in the real trading world).
I am looking to use a spread betting platform as the spreads approach appeals and less overheads for now it seems . i will concentrate only on the FTSE100 to begin, hopefully using a mix of, strategies that i can devise through research , strategies i come across along the way ready made free or for cash or just learn to trade/scalp.
I have heard good things about the Wealthbuilder which i am investigating as well as others. Any advice on this would very helpful.
I need to get up to speed with the techincal analysis & charting so if anyone can point me in the direction of the best products/feeds available, any must read material, academy or training crash courses i'd be very grateful. (i know the basic of charting etc but not in depth analyse of the markets as such, which i know is a must)
Lastly i came across a guy called David aka the FTSE100trader (videos available on you tube - i am not affiliated by the way). Would anyone know anything about this guy?
anyways.. thats it folks
good luck with whatever it is you do
If i could learn to walk - maybe i could run