My name is James Awi. I have never traded anything in my life. I work in electronics industry. And in that industry, you can lose your job at any time as business slows. I am tired of having to go from company to company. I am reseaching day trading career because I want to day trade for life. I have not signed up with any broker yet. I am still reseaching and gethering enough information as much as I can. Once I started, there is no turning back. I look forward to chatting with pros and new traders about their trading experiences as to learn from them.
My name is James Awi. I have never traded anything in my life. I work in electronics industry. And in that industry, you can lose your job at any time as business slows. I am tired of having to go from company to company. I am reseaching day trading career because I want to day trade for life. I have not signed up with any broker yet. I am still reseaching and gethering enough information as much as I can. Once I started, there is no turning back. I look forward to chatting with pros and new traders about their trading experiences as to learn from them.