Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hello All: Just a hearty "HELLO"! I'm new to this board but have "lurked" on several off and on for a couple of years. I haven't had the experience to say much but I have been reading and studying INTENSIVELY for more than 2 years. I feel that I am "finally" ready to take the plunge. Anyone in the Edmonton Alberta area? Would like to hear from them...or any one else with some advice on getting started. Also I have been trying to find a good ECN or Non Dealing Desk forex broker recommended by someone who is a CURRENT daily ACTIVE trader who has tried others. There is so much conflicting information that it is impossible for a newbie to decipher it all.
Profitable Trading Everyone, 👍
My name is Teri. I live in southern california. I've started a fair trade store on ebay. I'm trying to make enough money and get the word out about me so that eventually I can have my own store on the www. Fair trade is important to me because I think it should be the norm, I'm just doing my small part to support the fair trade market. I've got some jewelry and t-shirts right now. I get paid next week, so I'll have some more clothes (organic and fair trade) in a few weeks
hi sharky,....i am kind new pls help me....and lets make this site be an incredible one and the best one.....thanks and success
hi i am a quick learning gonna take trading by storm...hope you guys get the chance to see me on TV when I make it big. At the moment i just think BIG and act BIG. I am hoping to learn more from all you guys here both the good guys and the bad guys
hi i am a quick learning gonna take trading by storm...hope you guys get the chance to see me on TV when I make it big. At the moment i just think BIG and act BIG. I am hoping to learn more from all you guys here both the good guys and the bad guys

From what i learned, one of the most important traits for trading is humbleness

not that u shoulnt aim high but maybe not aiming for TV and billioner the first thing u do
Hi guys.., I am a newbie both in this forum and in forex world. I am from Malaysia and am trying to learn this trade.

I am especially interested in EA.
Hi all, joined the site this week. Am in the process of deciding what sort of trading to pursue. Great site and lots of support. Thanks to those who are making this happen.
Hi! I am a novice trader. I found this forum when i was searching for real time charts on google. Can anyone help me? Where can i find free real time charts (nasdaq100, dax, cac....) I am from Portugal, so, if my english is not perfect, i'm sorry...

Best regards,

Nuno A.
Hi! I am a novice trader. I found this forum when i was searching for real time charts on google. Can anyone help me? Where can i find free real time charts (nasdaq100, dax, cac....) I am from Portugal, so, if my english is not perfect, i'm sorry...

Best regards,

Nuno A.

Hello! =)
Its hard finding good realtime charts for free, but i would say ur best shoot is downloading a demo from a broker. Like CMC markets. Then u can use their plattform to see the realtime price (but its the market makers price, but it should be realtive close to the real price).
Hi every one ,am a trader down here in Nigeria and i can say trading forex has been d best thing in my life till date i have been tading for 2months now on a life account making 50-100pips daily and hardly losing which i started with $288 and is presently at $4211 ,and in time withdrawals of over $1640,i neva taught it was real,Cheers!!
Greetings from Switzerland.

I just want to say hello and introduce myself. I trade only futures mainly in the commodity area and I will post some articles to see if I fit in here or not.

Hope to here also from other traders. Have a nice weekend.👍
Hi All,

I am a newbi trader been going for about 4 months and really enjoying the ride so far.. The more i learn and read about the fundamental rules of the game.. Like systems, money management and mindset etc.. the more i can see that trading will eat you and your few $$$ up unless you learn to play by these rules and stick to them, then you at least have a chance at making some coin..

Im looking forward to achiveing some consitancy in my trading results as soon as possible, I am very determined and enjoy the whole idea of trading but i DONT want to make too many of the same mistakes and walk away feeling like i wasted my time and $$$ on the whole idea as im sure so many do.. I have my own consulting business and have other scources of income so im not putting too much pressure on the bottom line yet, just trying to see some steady results 1st.

T2W seems like a really informative knowledge base and some of the threads i have read hve been filled with great wisdom.. Obviously some gurus floting around here, i hope to make friends with these people and learn from them..

Please add me to your friends list or suggest threads to read, whetever im just hungry for knowledge and to gain maximum consistancy on my trades..

C ya round...

i am totally new this trading ''thing'' i stumbled upon the avi frister system -- anyone have anything to say about it? pro's con's?? very curious.....
Lincoln Ventures

Hello Everybody.
I have had an approach from Lincoln Ventures re purchase of shares in Med Gen Inc. Similar deal to others eg money up front and then shares are unblocked (so they say) and I receive 8 times the upfront payment. I will speak with FSA London tomorrow Mondayand will post another message. In meantime has any one else had approaches from Lincon Ventures re Med Gen Inc?