I've been interested in the Markets since the 1990's and since then I've come up with what I believe to be first class trading ideas, simply because I've had to learn the hard way and now my schooling is helping me to make money from the markets.
Taking my time and getting the trade right is my key to trading...
...apart from trading, I'm heavily into 'Personal Development' because without the belief in my own capabilities, I would be pretty incapable of doing the simplest of tasks and as we often say trading is simple but it's not easy.
I personally like to keep myself motivated to make the right, correct, sensible and most profitable trading decisions because I'm not trading for the fun of it, I'm trading for my Freedom, better known as 'Peace Of Mind!'
What I aim to gain from this site is a connection between like minded people and to see us all grow together in this fascinating world of trading.
You can always pay me a visit at my Blog:
Super-Trader Traits! it's mixed with the positive, trading ideas and techniques to improve your life overall.
I also have a second Blog;
The TenKei Trading Techniques! which is all about working our way up to earning an extra $10K A Year or $10K A Month or $10K A Week and ultimately $10K A Day!
Why not at least have a go, I've already increased my trading account by over 2000% from a nominal sum of $100.00 so it can be done, all it takes is 'Discipline,' 'Patience' and a few other traits to which you'll be made aware of.
Enough said, I'll see you in the T2W Forum.
Wilson P Williams - The Buyer & Seller