Internship Advise

well, no. Unless you want to be a quant. You'll have no probs being hired with a ug degree if you can make it past the interviews.

There is such a thing as climbing the ladder - people don't stay analysts forever.
I don't mean the lying, I mean how they have created interest and hype with advertising themselves by offering an opportunity for a small selection of people. I don't know if Mr Baghdady still has credibility in the city still?

If he has then surely if he can train 15 people on just price action trading and they become profitable, this may give these 15 the lucky break into the city.

Obviously there would have been people who didn't get through who then decided to pay for the course. But it would be of more benefit for training traders if they got the winners to succeed and become hedge funds because that would show the style of trading which is being taught works.

just my two pence : )

I don't mean the lying, I mean how they have created interest and hype with advertising themselves by offering an opportunity for a small selection of people. I don't know if Mr Baghdady still has credibility in the city still?

If he has then surely if he can train 15 people on just price action trading and they become profitable, this may give these 15 the lucky break into the city.

Obviously there would have been people who didn't get through who then decided to pay for the course. But it would be of more benefit for training traders if they got the winners to succeed and become hedge funds because that would show the style of trading which is being taught works.

just my two pence : )


Let me ask you, how much have you made trading after paying Baghdady for training or mentorship?
Or come to think of it how much has Baghdady made trading using these methods?
If he has then surely if he can train 15 people on just price action trading and they become profitable, this may give these 15 the lucky break into the city.

a) He hasn't, and
b) You're being taken in by his marketing
I don't mean the lying, I mean how they have created interest and hype with advertising themselves by offering an opportunity for a small selection of people. I don't know if Mr Baghdady still has credibility in the city still?

If he has then surely if he can train 15 people on just price action trading and they become profitable, this may give these 15 the lucky break into the city.

Obviously there would have been people who didn't get through who then decided to pay for the course. But it would be of more benefit for training traders if they got the winners to succeed and become hedge funds because that would show the style of trading which is being taught works.

just my two pence : )


Wake up people.
Does no one on this forum apart from me actually work in the city?

Please can everyone wake up.
Hi pboyles,

I have not parted a penny of my money to Mr Baghdady, I did however apply to the "new Turtle" program where I got through to the interview stages but I was not picked.

They did try to get me to pay for the course after I was not excepted on the program but I declined as what I have seen is a course on price action and a program that works on tradestation, which tells the trader when a potential entry point in the market is appearing.

To be fair I think I'll stick to learning price action myself and keeping the money for my trading account!
a) He hasn't, and
b) You're being taken in by his marketing

I must agree when I applied for the program I was taken in. However after they tried to get me to buy the course it made me realize what they were trying to do.
I must agree when I applied for the program I was taken in. However after they tried to get me to buy the course it made me realize what they were trying to do.

I had a look at the Facebook page they set up for the turtles thing, people were literally fall over themselves trying to get picked. One guy was going to resign from his job and fly from Hawai just to do the interview. I have to say it was amazing, one guy even said they would all be billionaires in 2 years, he was totally convinced.
I had a look at the Facebook page they set up for the turtles thing, people were literally fall over themselves trying to get picked. One guy was going to resign from his job and fly from Hawai just to do the interview. I have to say it was amazing, one guy even said they would all be billionaires in 2 years, he was totally convinced.

I was told when I did their test that a man had taken his 5 year old boy to try to get him on the course! 😆
One guy was going to resign from his job and fly from Hawai just to do the interview. I have to say it was amazing, one guy even said they would all be billionaires in 2 years, he was totally convinced.

Shame they didn't realise the difference between the original turtles and a marketer trying to earn money.

You see Richard Dennis was probably the largest and most successful trader in Chicago at the time. When he walked into the pit it literally changed character, that was how significant he was. Not only that, he had a superior MULTI-YEAR track record which was AUDITED.

He created the turtles to see if a group could be trained using his very successful and PROVEN track record of success in the markets.

Then up pops Bagdaddy who NOBODY has ever heard of and with NO audited track record. He then annonuces he's going to do a 'turtle training course'.

Can you spot the difference everyone, it's not hard........