Trading Internship London


Hi fellow traders,

My name is Sebastiaan and I am a 20 year old student at Rotterdam University (The Netherlands). My university offered high potential students the opportunity to complete an internship abroad. I am studying Real Estate and I specialized in International Investments. This also contains also stock & Forex trading. This is where I got my interest in Forex trading. I started my Forex account and within 3 months i got from €50 to €1000. My professors at university found this quite interesting and they advised me to specialize in Forex, Stock, Oil and Real Estate investments.

Now I am looking for a suitable company to gain valuable working experience. I was wandering if maybe you could help me, or recommend me a company? Due to the credit crunch firms are not standing in line to hire an intern.

I am willing to complete a 4 month internship starting at February 2009. Salary is not really necessary and the trading office must be in London.

I really hope any of you could help me obtain a suitable internship.

Best regards,
