Insight Support/Elmtrader.


Established member
Has anyone any info on the correlation between Stu Whisson's Inside Support training company and Software sellers Elmtrader ? They seem to be working from the same office in London. Their sales patter seem to be convincing but I would like to know if any of you out there have had any experience with either company before I invest last month beer money with them......
Thank you slapshot - interesting reading. There doesn't seem to be anything overtly negative about Elmtrader does there ? No apparent link to Insight Support though ??
Would appreciate any recent information as they bombard me with emails showing a very successful track record. It's not that I don't trust them yet -- but they are trying to sell !!
- dont have ANYTHING to do with insight support - Stu wisson. I lost 8000 dollars in the time I took thier course. 🙁

Excuse my english, it is my second language