You are not understanding my point ....If we were on a gold standard and a Billion tons of gold suddenly came on the market it would have the same affect as money being printed in fiat system .
But the analogy is a bit confusing because gold actually has a use and paper is just paper .
But anyway this is not my main point ...I was trying to find a way for a more efficient tax system .
For example zero tax and privatize everything and use a finite currency ?
The total amount of gold mined in all of human history is approx 165,000 tons and almost all of the gold ever mined is still in existence today. One Billion tons of gold would represent more than
6000 times the total amount of gold ever mined in all of human history. Do you think increasing the gold supply by a factor of 6000 can happen just as easily and quickly as printing Trillions of US dollars or Yen?
At current prices ($US1361.40) the total amount of gold mined in all of human history is worth around $US7.22 Trillion. That is less than half of the current US debt and The Obama administration's February 2012 budget request contained $2.902 trillion in receipts and $3.803 trillion in outlays. Both represent approx 50% of what the total amount of gold mined in all of human history is worth.
The current world production of gold is approx 2,500 tons. At current prices that is approximately about $US109.4 Billion worth of new gold each year. The US Federal reserve is currently embarking on a Q.E policy at the rate of US$85 Billion per month. At that rate, the US Federal Reserve could buy the ENTIRE global gold production 9 times over....let me repeat that, the
US Federal Reserve could buy the ENTIRE global gold production 9 times over.
As far as your ‘efficient’ tax system is concerned. The US has only had a federal income tax for the last 100 years. The income tax came into existence around about the same time as the current Federal Reserve. (NOT) Coincidently, it has been since the creation of the Federal income tax and the Federal Reserve that the US Government has grown in size. Before the Federal Reserve and the income tax, Government spending as a % of GDP was less than 5%. Today, it accounts for around 40% of GDP.
As I explained earlier, there have been periods throughout history where the US has had no Federal income tax while being on a classic gold standard and the economy prospered. So your hypothetical is not a hypothetical.
BEFORE you reply, read some science books and history books and see if you can come back with some hard FACTS to dispute anything I’ve written or to support your case. This is becoming tedious now.