Indicators vs Price.....
Take a top down approach and see how we are really lagging and which really wins;
Central banks > purely fundamental and FIRST to know
Large Hedge funds > 90% fundamental, maybe a yearly chart
Investment banks > Possible charts with historic levels yet also largely fundamental
Now come the chartists........
Smaller IBs and HF's > price based on historic levels, fundamentals and POSSIBLY an MA on larger TF's
Retailers > irrelevant
It is of my humble opinion, that one should trade on what one thinks those with money are doing and in my experience, they are trading on FUNDAMENTALS and HISTORIC LEVELS. Indicators show this data in pretty coloured lines but historic levels and trends are the key to 90% of all movement and they are via HrH's and HrL's or, trendlines..........
As for lagging, of course we are, we are the lowest denominator, the last rung on the food chain.......!