Indicators Are Not Liars

Not sure if this is deep or trite, but a phrase I came up with is:

"You win by not losing"

That phrase has more truth to then most of the advice out there. When you trade your goal should be to not lose money. If you succeed at not losing your money, by have good money managment, then you will make money. It took me way to long and cost me way to much money to learn that.
That phrase has more truth to then most of the advice out there. When you trade your goal should be to not lose money. If you succeed at not losing your money, by have good money managment, then you will make money. It took me way to long and cost me way to much money to learn that.

It's the first start to success. The last sentence applies to me, too, but, once I got it into my thick head, I made steady progress.