Income opportunities

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i used to own my own estate agents, so since selling it, iv still used my skills in the property market to help landlords and tenants in sensitive situations, and also have provided a service to people who want to open an estate agency by providing a setting up package. also in the middle of designing a complete software package with all literature needed to run a property based company.

interesting of the biggest weaknesses for selling these these MLM's and wealth creation packages to the UK punters is the Naff UK property market

we have a lot of stringent rules that the US would never wear

in the USA you can virtually do anything with anyone to anyone regarding the sell flip etc etc etc

it is a literall sweetshop and indeed a good way to generate money for the smart and experienced

now show me how to generate consistent positive monthly cashflow in the UK property Rental market ........

Havent really read all the thread as away for a few days,but I woulo value your opinions on banners broker. I have a friend who joined 9 months ago and is at the stage inb the next few moneths where he will be getting £5000 a month for an investment of £5000. i simply do not beleive the business side of the product and think its just the best chain letter ever and will surely bust. When will it bust is the question,it could go on for years as it is global. any thoughts?

hey flash

I said I would look............i'm not a IT techie though

its online advertising with banners and ad placement area I know nothing about ......and to be honest would outsource myself to someone who did

My business partner is much more IT/ savvy but is taking a rest from things at the moment so I wont bother her

as soon as i saw the 438billion poster regarding possible saturation for clients and investors it worried me........means dick all

it basically looks like people paying to place advertising with other people who are also paying to place (different) a linked in with advertising but everyone pays to join

and the money comes from the pyramid selling to new friends and clients doing the same

I would love to hear that your friend is sucessful at this but not my bag 😏

nice topic. In another hand, spent time to study also a good way to earn money.
That's also the investment of your life.
it basically looks like people paying to place advertising with other people who are also paying to place (different) a linked in with advertising but everyone pays to join

Reminds me of the .com days..

Remember when Yahoo and Amazon were selling each other advertising spots for millions at a time & showing huge revenues?

Those were the days (unless you were a bag holder)....
Reminds me of the .com days..

Remember when Yahoo and Amazon were selling each other advertising spots for millions at a time & showing huge revenues?

Those were the days (unless you were a bag holder)....


you either stood back and shook your head or traded the trend .....until the end

emporers new clothes.....

I notice this site is still forecasting the Silver Fox/Baby Boomer generation of high spenders and consumers.....

Careful there.........many of these so called wealthy individuals are now saddled with emotional Blackmail debt from their "30something" kids that all need bailing out from overspending , unemployment, negative equity, divorces , bad businesses , gambling , stockmarket losses, etc etc


also funding the Grandchildren through school / College / university / gap year / weddings / property / Unemployment / etc etc

perhaps that wealth pool has dwindled.......😱

nice topic. In another hand, spent time to study also a good way to earn money.
That's also the investment of your life.

agreed - the key is to invest in continual education for yourself (both job specific and generic financial/business savvy) , and to also be open to financial and business opportunities when spotted :smart:

Reminds me of the .com days..

Remember when Yahoo and Amazon were selling each other advertising spots for millions at a time & showing huge revenues?

Those were the days (unless you were a bag holder)....

Actually it didnt do me any harm........the company I was working for lost the CEO , finance director , commercial director and sales director to .com's inside a year

I was made Financial and Commercial Director and did very well off of the back of all their previous excellent work ......😆

and I dont need to tell you what happened to every one of those .com companies they went to .........

who says the rewards dont come to the tortoise !

There is no easy money.

There are very experienced guys tripping into China all the time sourcing goods & selling them on line. One guy I know has his own line of Kitchen Equipment he sells on line in the UK - he is extremely wealthy now. He worked his ass off to get there, though. Not something you could do part time.
12 pages finished. This is one I like😆 Now I'm located @China.
If anyone want to start business, I can help to source the products😛
interesting of the biggest weaknesses for selling these these MLM's and wealth creation packages to the UK punters is the Naff UK property market

we have a lot of stringent rules that the US would never wear

in the USA you can virtually do anything with anyone to anyone regarding the sell flip etc etc etc

it is a literall sweetshop and indeed a good way to generate money for the smart and experienced

now show me how to generate consistent positive monthly cashflow in the UK property Rental market ........


i was more lettings based, so its the rental market i was involved in, had a good enough offer for the management properties so sold the business...

now its more tenant landlord issues i help with, such as getting rid of tenants who are in arrears with rentals, or say, a landlord who refuses to spend money on the property to bring it up to a decent standard... in the uk, you have to know the ways to deal with these situations, because its all based around court orders, such as just kicking a tenant out can land you in very hot water and can be fined in the £10,000's for illegal evictions and discomfort...

As for setting up the business, its basically a design job, just setting up the structure for the company to be able to run, the money comes from what you do with it afterwards to bring in business, i just prepare all legal docs and procedures that are required to make the deals happen... i wouldnt say it was a full time business or an constant income but more supplementary.
with rentals, its all about service... the property market isnt what it used to be, there are some areas where estate agents are literally cutting each others throats... i no an estate agency who will advertise and let your property for one weeks rental, and its forcing other agencies in that area to follow suit in order to bring in new business, so you would have to pick the area you cover wisely, i covered the city, and the east end of london, but only up to stratford, as once you go further east of stratford, the rental values are substantially lower, so commisions were low, whereas west of stratford, such as docklands ans city, you can still charge 8% of the income generated by the contract, and the rental value was higher, so you could very easily generate £1,000 per let.
Was it not Atilla harping on about property just after the sub prime crash and how it was the mutts nutts and we should all get in early to avoid the crush....ppppfffttt 😆

Quite a few people on this thread need to stop dreaming and go get a proper job !
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Was it not Atilla harping on about property just after the sub prime crash and how it was the mutts nutts and we should all get in early to avoid the crush....ppppfffttt 😆

Quite a few people on this thread need to stop dreaming and go get a proper job !

i wouldnt recommend going into the property market, in the sense of purchasing properties and building portfolios, especially if you have no proper knowledge and experience... the property market isnt a sector where you should go into expecting an immediate return, unless your very lucky.... which most people are not....
Was it not Atilla harping on about property just after the sub prime crash and how it was the mutts nutts and we should all get in early to avoid the crush....ppppfffttt 😆

Atilla has a few, er, interesting ideas, and is often resolutely impervious to reason.
what a refreshingly useful thread!

as per most of the posts here, I have mulled over diversification.

@timsk: good to hear there is a network marketing model that works. I have toyed with FLP myself, but talked myself out of it.

bbmacs point about exponentiality really is the key point. doing the same thing, but making more by virtue of scaling. thats the essence of why trading should be seen as a primary activity.

The points made about web-design: there are so many templates of so many platforms, I would suspect that providing clients with good advice is better than having technical knowledge. This is my personal experience, and I come from a techy background. You would be MAD to start a design from scratch! Its all "lego", you get the components and stick them together.
I have looked at SEO and web-content, but early days, so no real experience to relate.

There are many "business opps" on franchise websites. But, once you dig down, its usually something you could potentially do yourself, but with the added advantage of a brand. I am toying with new B2B consultancy ones.
If you have any business knowledge, especially coming from sales or corporate, you could sell into SMEs.
Quite a lot of the ideas suggested so far have been selling to customers, ie, B2C.
Maybe I am being snooty, (actually I cant stand the great unwashed plebs), but I suspect selling services to SMEs might be a better bet than joe-shmoe.

From personal experience, I have been running a recruitment side-line to my trading.

I suppose its whether you want to make £1-£5 per sale, and have many sales, or make £100-£200 per sale and make fewer.
When consulting, I suspect you could sell your time at £500-1,000 a day.

I really like the recent insights regarding the housing sector. There have been quite a few "sale by auction" boards in some parts of my town.

As an aside, its interesting that MLMs have all the things we hate about trading-bots and vendors, in that the selling points are "no selling", "no customers", and "make a fortune" etc.
These kinds of MLMs seem to target the weaknesses of the potential client.

I hope to be able to add a few ideas here in the coming weeks, assuming it hasnt been lulzed out. 🙂
Thank goodness I am retired and don't need to scrabble about for an extra income.
The ideas put forward so far seem pretty useless to the average Joe.
It takes a lot of thought to come up with something suitable to oneself, let alone someone else whose circumstances will certainly be different.
The prices of food they reckon are going to go ballistic, so if you have a patch of ground. Dig up the azaleas and plant spuds.
12 pages finished. This is one I like😆 Now I'm located @China.
If anyone want to start business, I can help to source the products😛


I'm working on something now where we are dealing with Chinese suppliers, or at least we'd like to. The problem we have is being able to distinguish between a good manufacturer and some dummy that's just making fakes. For instance I looked at some equipment the other day and sent the SDK paperwork to my developer, for a start half of it was in Chinese, what he could make out looked like something from 1990 he said.
No - it's not answered.

Forget for a minute what your sponsor claims to make. How much have you invested in this and how much have you made so far?

Also - how much have you invested in ancillary's such as motivational tapes, starter kits, memberships etc. etc. etc.?

I can absolutely answer this.
5 years ago I bought $1,200 worth in customers.
When I say %, it's currently based on $1,200.00
Therefore when I say I earned 9% I take the amount I spend of monthly product: $63.35 and subtract it from my months earnings $170.16 and get 106.81. That is 9% and change.
My direct deposits vary but they are usually around $120 - $180 per month.
My loan paper work starts happening in two weeks. When I get a small business loan, I'm hoping to purchase at least $12,600 by which I expect $3,000 - $4,000 per month.

If total spent is $1,200 from 5 years ago and $12,600 for new customers and another $1,260 to hire someone to do follow-up calls to my customers,
total spent is $15,060.00

Anticipated earnings should be around $3,500 - $108 (Nopalea product) that would be $3,392 in profit or 22.52% per month.

To answer how much I have made, I haven't added every month up and subtracted every month's product cost but I estimate I've earned around 400-500% or $4,800 - $6,000 after monthly product expenses. Not bad on a $1,200 investment. 🙂