Income opportunities

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It seems an ideal way to generate a second income stream - ie whilst you are sat at the secreens trading - other ecommerce activities could produce such. I have considered it in the past but discounted it for the following reasons;

Probably the greatest benefit to trading as a means of producing income is that of it's exponentiality - ie you don't have to do any more work/hours to increase your gain - you simply (!) have to trade more margin resulting in bigger trades and potentially a bigger gain across the sample you are trading. Compare and contrast this to working for a living in salaried employment where to increase your income you would have to do more hours work or charge more for each hour you work, either way there will be a natural income ceiling on your chosen profession. Similarly even running a business would require you to sell more of the products/services you offer or charge more for them - both of which too have a natural ceiling price that is dictated by 'the market' as a function of the overall demand for your products/services and indeed labour (if in salaried employ) -vs- the supply of them.

Think too about how long it took you to derive a consistent gain from traing (say 5years) this is the type of time scale you should look at too for any new income generating activity - why do you suppose it could be done in less time (unless youa are very fortunate.) What it is the potential gain you could derive from using any capital you may be considering to commit to this versus that available to you from your trading activities ?

All in all - if you are already a consistently profitable trader - you may be better using any excess capital as margin towards that activity.

Flash......i'll have a look ................

naturally my first reaction is the astronomical return............these returns are possible but not in the world we sadly move in I suspect and to the general public......or that quick ?

read Robert (Richard ?) Prestons book about whos running britain (or whatever the title is) see what is possible as a venture capitalist taking cheap (distressed) assets off the uk goverment.....billions made

and good luck to them...........nothing ventured nothing gained..........(as Mr Preston continues to miss as a major flaw in the book ...jees that guy is bitter and sour grapes !)

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It seems an ideal way to generate a second income stream - ie whilst you are sat at the secreens trading - other ecommerce activities could produce such. I have considered it in the past but discounted it for the following reasons;

Probably the greatest benefit to trading as a means of producing income is that of it's exponentiality - ie you don't have to do any more work/hours to increase your gain - you simply (!) have to trade more margin resulting in bigger trades and potentially a bigger gain across the sample you are trading. Compare and contrast this to working for a living in salaried employment where to increase your income you would have to do more hours work or charge more for each hour you work, either way there will be a natural income ceiling on your chosen profession. Similarly even running a business would require you to sell more of the products/services you offer or charge more for them - both of which too have a natural ceiling price that is dictated by 'the market' as a function of the overall demand for your products/services and indeed labour (if in salaried employ) -vs- the supply of them.

Think too about how long it took you to derive a consistent gain from traing (say 5years) this is the type of time scale you should look at too for any new income generating activity - why do you suppose it could be done in less time (unless youa are very fortunate.) What it is the potential gain you could derive from using any capital you may be considering to commit to this versus that available to you from your trading activities ?

All in all - if you are already a consistently profitable trader - you may be better using any excess capital as margin towards that activity.


agreed.............(successful) Trading is very very Lucrative based on return on Cap......but Trading is an active activity requirin a fair amount of time (after learning curve) and I am ideally also looking for some more passive income opportinities as well.....

lower returns but less time needed to manage - aside from up-front , set ups / DD

Since you didn't like my 1% of income idea how does this sound :-
1. A minimum of effort e.g. lounging on street corners or bars
2. The working position is horizontal with a gentle up and down movement
3. Unless you look like the rear end of a cow - good wages.

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Since you didn't like my 1% of income idea how does this sound :-
1. A minimum of effort e.g. lounging on street corners or bars
2. The working position is horizontal with a gentle up and down movement
3. Unless you look like the rear end of a cow - good wages.


I didnt say i didnt like it ........😏
and here we are with the nanny state stepping in again .........FT this week

A ban on promoting alternative investments will prevent legitimate sales and limit investment options for clients, claim wealth managers.

This week, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) revealed its intention to stop investments such as overseas property, fine wine, classic cars and bamboo from being marketed to ordinary private investors after it found that three out of four advised sales were unsuitable.

Certain unconventional structured products will be included in the ban, which follows earlier plans to stop unregulated investment schemes known as death bonds being sold to the general public.

Providers have reacted angrily to the announcement. “The problem has always been the people giving advice, not the products,” said Richard Shepherd-Cross, managing director of Custodian Capital which operates commercial property investment schemes. “Investors should be allowed to invest in products if they want to. Retail investors tend to be more sophisticated than the FSA gives them credit for.”

Investors who already have money in “unregulated collective investment schemes” (UCIS) have been warned that the new rules could make their investments harder to buy and sell which might lead to capital losses.

Markets Comment: Let’s applaud the FSA Unregulated pooled investment schemes promising impressive returns have become increasingly popular with investors hoping to make a real return on their money in a low interest environment.

The schemes are not illegal but are considered high-risk and investors may not be protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme if they fail.

The proposed ban was supported by the Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers but was criticised by individual advisers and providers as too broad brush.

Alternative investment specialist Grosvenor Park Intelligent Investment claimed the ban would restrict choices for those with smaller funds who wanted to invest in alternative schemes.

But some advisers said the ban did not go far enough.

“The announcement doesn’t seem to cover other unregulated investments, in the form of fractional ownership, and that is a concern for us,” said Phillip Bray, marketing manager of Investment Sense, the independent financial advisers. “We believe the FSA needs to stamp down on these types of schemes too.”

Brokers and financial advisers will still be able to market UCIS to experienced investors and those who earn more than £100,000 a year or have over £250,000 to invest.

Final rules on the sale and marketing of alternative investments are expected in early 2013.
Havent really read all the thread as away for a few days,but I woulo value your opinions on banners broker. I have a friend who joined 9 months ago and is at the stage inb the next few moneths where he will be getting £5000 a month for an investment of £5000. i simply do not beleive the business side of the product and think its just the best chain letter ever and will surely bust. When will it bust is the question,it could go on for years as it is global. any thoughts?

Funnily enough I know someone who was approached by someone they knew who was considering this.

I wanted to ask PB to dig up the dirt but I think I was banned at the time. Anyway, I gave my friend enough logical reasoning to talk their friend out of it.

Frankly, I'm amazed that anyone ever considers things like this. The alarm bells are deafening.
Funnily enough I know someone who was approached by someone they knew who was considering this.

I wanted to ask PB to dig up the dirt but I think I was banned at the time. Anyway, I gave my friend enough logical reasoning to talk their friend out of it.

Frankly, I'm amazed that anyone ever considers things like this. The alarm bells are deafening.

They sure are wacky,but those in first will make an absolute killing and it is global so it could last a long time.I wish Id got in 9 months ago for the ride,but then Id feel guilty.The company seems legit and no one can really call is a scam as yet because it hasnt robbed anybody yet and portrays an excellent business module apart from one thing. The one thing is this question, why dont banners broker do it all for themselves and keep all the revenues for themselves. The company answer is that" they want to share the revenue around" They do not need any of the participants as they do all the purchasing of advertising or so they say they and followers are just buying the space. come on BB guys out there answer the question,why is this company being so nice. My friend is due some big pay outs soon and he joined adter it ha been going a while so I hope he at least gets his money back. what if I am wrong and this company are good guys and its all genuine and they can find enough revenue spots for all of us.
Just to add i have been wrong about things like this before. I was in direct sales and was offered the chance to join utility wharehouse 12 years ago. i turned my nose up to it,now that I do regret
excuse the title - its crummy !

But with the Global Economies in such a mess is there a thread where we could get some REALISTIC dialogue going regarding money making opportunities in

New Sectors / Markets

and anything else that floats the boat ..............

as Believe it or not (shock horror) trading is not necessarily the answer to everyones dream as the holy grail to income generation

if this dissolves into people advertising land on the moon I apologise in advance

hey - at least I tried ?


Given that the vast majority of retail traders lose and will never become profitable traders this thread is worthwhile. Actually it is quite illogical to expect to learn/improve one's trading from a trading forum. - this point will be lost on the majority but hey ho there we go.

Trading is much much tougher than most newbies realise. People dont fully understand that trading is a war, a zero sum game where you are going against the best brains, highly intelligent competative people, miniscule trading costs, better information, faster executions. and people expect to beat these guys. lol.
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Given that the vast majority of retail traders lose and will never become profitable traders this thread is worthwhile. Actually it is quite illogical to expect to learn/improve one's trading from a trading forum. - this point will be lost on the majority but hey ho there we go.

Trading is much much tougher than most newbies realise. People dont fully understand that trading is a war, a zero sum game where you are going against the best brains, highly intelligent competative people, miniscule trading costs, better information, faster executions. and people expect to beat these guys. lol.

I agree - but I also think you have a higher chance of making it in trading than any MLM or other 'pre-packaged' get-rich-quick scheme.

Amway has been mentioned here - the MLM organisations built around Amway end up making their money selling motivational tapes and books to their membership, not to mention their seminars, starter packs etc. They make money by duping people into thinking riches are around the corner.

To be honest, I'm flabbergasted that people on this site buy into any of these pre-packaged businesses. This sort of thing is the bricks 'n mortar equivalent of a trading bot.

If you have 10-15 hours a week spare and want to make more money. I reckon a bar job or shelf stacking at Sainsburys is your best bet.
I agree - but I also think you have a higher chance of making it in trading than any MLM or other 'pre-packaged' get-rich-quick scheme.

Amway has been mentioned here - the MLM organisations built around Amway end up making their money selling motivational tapes and books to their membership, not to mention their seminars, starter packs etc. They make money by duping people into thinking riches are around the corner.

To be honest, I'm flabbergasted that people on this site buy into any of these pre-packaged businesses. This sort of thing is the bricks 'n mortar equivalent of a trading bot.

If you have 10-15 hours a week spare and want to make more money. I reckon a bar job or shelf stacking at Sainsburys is your best bet.

While I agree with the above based on personal experience with Amway and a few other MLM's I must insert that after being burnt with such schemes I have indeed found a true direct-marketing company in which I can earn as much as I want and NEVER need to share the products or the business opportunity with anyone. I can spend 0 time or as much time as I want with the business. I come from the investor side of life so I talk in figures of ROI and percentages. Bottom line for people like me that don't want to drag my family and friends into buying products they can't afford or want just to make believe that they could get rich someday,, this legitimate business could just be what some have been looking for. I simply buy PAYING customers and let the company take the calls, make the orders, and ship products. The customers come directly from TV infomercials and I get up to 60% commissions for the first 2 months and 21% for all future orders for life.
To put it into perspective, for every $12,600 I spend (invest) in buying customers I earn from $3,200 - $4,000 a month. I get my investment back in 4-6 months and earn 15%-25% of investment a month thereafter. Now, as we all know customers like good customer support therefore, the company would like us to follow up with the customer but for those like me that don't have the time or desire, they have that covered as well. For a small fee we can hire the follow up phone calls and reap the benefits of long lasting paying customers. Many get on auto-ship so they buy products monthly.
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So let me get this right... You buy an income of $38,400->$48,000 per year and the cost of that is $12,600?

Ask yourself for a minute why it is they don't get Goldman Sachs to put in lots of $12,600s, keep half the money themselves and just give Goldman a 100% return?

For a trading forum, there are some very naive people here.

10-15 hours a week - if you are in a crappy job, then go to college. Learn a trade, become a plumber. Doing plumbing jobs at the weekend would get you a lot more money than becoming an Avon Lady.
Bottom line is that for every dreamer looking for an easy, low outlay, high income 'automatic' business - there's an aggressive, motivated, work-your-ass-off guy that will go the extra mile for what the dreamer wants to get at the click of a mouse.

Therein lies the problem with easy money.
So let me get this right... You buy an income of $38,400->$48,000 per year and the cost of that is $12,600?

Ask yourself for a minute why it is they don't get Goldman Sachs to put in lots of $12,600s, keep half the money themselves and just give Goldman a 100% return?

For a trading forum, there are some very naive people here.

10-15 hours a week - if you are in a crappy job, then go to college. Learn a trade, become a plumber. Doing plumbing jobs at the weekend would get you a lot more money than becoming an Avon Lady.

It's already answered,, because it's a direct-marketing business meant for a level-playing field and not just those who have tons of $. By the way, we can only purchase $18,000 worth of customers per month. Of course, you can sign up your spouse under you and then he/she can also spend $18,000 per month to double your income. My sponsor has been with the company for 5 years, has over 55,000 customers and making over $250,000 a year simply by buying customers and sharing the business with others.
It's already answered,, because it's a direct-marketing business meant for a level-playing field and not just those who have tons of $. By the way, we can only purchase $18,000 worth of customers per month. Of course, you can sign up your spouse under you and then he/she can also spend $18,000 per month to double your income. My sponsor has been with the company for 5 years, has over 55,000 customers and making over $250,000 a year simply by buying customers and sharing the business with others.

No - it's not answered.

It is a company seeking funding and giving back a huge return. Are they a registered charity, perhaps?

Any company that looks for funding will look for the cheapest source of funding, which means giving back as little as possible.

The reason they can't go to Goldman Sachs for funding is that Goldman would do due dilligence but the average punter in the street will only look at the big numbers being bandied around and will get sucked in.

Forget for a minute what your sponsor claims to make. How much have you invested in this and how much have you made so far?

Also - how much have you invested in ancillary's such as motivational tapes, starter kits, memberships etc. etc. etc.?