Imc Pacific Tests

It seems like a great place and nice people... any confirmation?

Please if anybody have been through the final round, give us some tips...

hey josh, guess im gonna see you there tomorrow haha
i was wondering if you know what the general plan is going to be, I asked the HR after confirming i'd be available but only got bits and pieces of info
whats available on this forum is pretty much what i've got. LOL good luck buddy
i just want to give it a shot, dont know if trader is really my thing. and if im trader materal.
see u there!!!
well, that was an interesting interview
best of luck to you all but i probably wont be joining you in the final on the 24th
hey knifedge
it s like u stayed longer in the speed dating
did they are u a lot of question?

i dunno whether they asked me a lot of questions relative to everyone else but i know i answered a couple of the behavioural ones terribly and I tend to ramble a bit, I didnt even get to finish answering the last question before they said "ok thank you".
man i never knew i was this bad at arithmetic till today, i know i've always been better on the theoretical side of mathematics but this was a real shock

gotta give props to the people who finished that thing early though, that was brutal
yea it was
i never knew human being can work on that capacity
i guess those guys never use calcutor for arithmatics
man i understand how it could help in a trading situation when you gotta juggle quite a few numbers in your head ... but given the fact that you're always in front of a computer with excel just a mouse click away I can't see that skill being used in any extent.

Having the intuition is really important though to know if you're close to the answer, but being able to calculate the sum/product of X terms in your head exactly ... that i find overkill .... but that's probably why i'm the one being interviewed ... not the one conducting it haha
Good luck guys! I was told that we are more than 15 candidates for the final round
No I wasn't there lest friday. I had phone interviews last week (Far from HK...)

Hey my friend
I got the email finally
shud be seeing u on 24th Oct

By the way...
anyone have any ideas on the final interview processes?
those simulations and test?
any tips?

Final interviews process: fun, fun and fun 🙂
Simulation (outcry), Broker test and trading simulation...
Don't even know how to handle those tests...
Pleassssse Help!!