7 City IMC Materials for sale


I've got IMC Module 1 (Investment Environment) and Module 2 (Investment Practice) materials for sale. It is the most complete and comprehensive study pack you will be able to find. It includes IMC Financial Maths toolkit course materials. This course outlines financial maths required to pass IMC exams. The materials are Edition 17 but printouts with updates bring it fully up to date. I also include approved scientific calculator. The use of certain functions is taught in the books. This significantly speeds up calculations during the exam.

You should have no problem passing this qualification with these study guides.

Please email me at [email protected] for any further details and photos of the materials.

Here is what you'll get.
1) IMC Investment Environment checkpoint (small book for studying on the go)
2) IMC Investment Practice checkpoint
3) IMC Exam Overview & Study Planner
4) Approved scientific calculator
5) Update supplements (printouts)
6) Summary of syllabus changes printout
7) Investment Environment course slide pack
8) Investment Practice course slide pack
9) Investment Environment study manual (text book)
10) Investment Practice study manual (text book)
11) Investment Environment chapter questions and Mock Exams
12) Investment Practice chapter questions and Mock Exams
13) video recordings of the lectures CDs
14) outline of the applicability of the rules in the most difficult chapter of investment environment
15) IMC Financial Math toolkit slide pack