IMC exam


Hi Folks

Am new to this board, so not sure if this is right forum for this question. Anyways, will give it a try.

I was wondering if IMC exam would add value to my profile?

I am currently employed as a Buisness systems Analsyt with a leading multinational IT company. I have 8 yrs of IT industry experience. In the last 3 yrs I have realised that I am moving away from technology towards business management. To this end I have starting a part time MBA which will finish in 2005.

IMC Exam:
One of my friend, who has done a MBA, has advised me to take up the exam IMC (Investment Management certificate) (from UK Society of Investment Professionals) before I finish the MBA.

He says a) there is need for 'Financial Managers' in IT industry who can understand both technlogy & company/industry finance; hence provide sound advise to senior management. b) Since the downturn of economy, one of major tasks that all IT companies are doing is to scrutinise all the projects based on their need & most importantly from financial aspect (Investment analysis).

My work place:
Even in my own organisation, there is small group, which decides the Go/No-Go for every project being undertaken from an investment perspective. So, This area looks to be very niche & perhaps lucrative as well.

All comments/suggestions are much appreciated
The IMC is the basic qualification that potential fund managers have to gain. Basically it is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition to achieve "threshold competence" under the FSA rules i.e. the point when you can be left to run money without supervision. It does cover investment appraisal (at a fairly superficial level) but also covers things such as regulation and what time the Amsterdam Stock Exchange opens. In the UK, you also need to pass the IMC before going on to attempt the CFA exams (fast becoming THE global qualification for the investment management industry).

Perhaps you should also consider some accounting qualifications; they are also bound to cover subjects like project appraisal and corporate finance whilst missing out on topics like deriving the yield curve from forward rate agreements.

Hope this helps.

IMC exams are excellent and you should definitely look to do them along with CFA if your looking to go more down the financial route