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Yes its very slow market for gb pairs.

cable has only moved 70 odd points only half its daily range
and gbp/jpy is simple terrible only 100 odd points since open.
Yes simply terrible, we must wait for the market to pic up.
i want to join you and communicate some experience with you ,but i don't know the software!
Yes your right and it looks to still be lagging

yes its very slow market for gb pairs.

Cable has only moved 70 odd points only half its daily range
and gbp/jpy is simple terrible only 100 odd points since open.
Yes simply terrible, we must wait for the market to pic up.
So the goal is 1 million in 3 months..well to prove it can be done i will be documenting my trading in my thread for the next 3 months and the goal is 1 million.. Starting with 200 dollars we will see how it goes in the next 3 months

p.s my account is at 7 bucks so in th next two weeks ill be starting



  • hh.gif
    58 KB · Views: 223
Why would you put a sell order on a pair just before news is out?
If you had given a cursory glance to to the expected Gdp for the UK, then you would have seen there were a lot of positive reports, therby expecting sterling to get stronger,
At worst when news especially something as major a GDP is expected stay out.
If you are a technical trader STAY OUT during news announcements as economic data will always eclipse technical analysis.
i see now why the news is important. but i never learned how to trade it as i have only been trading for yr.1/2 .. where do i get updates on or learn how to play the news

Why would you put a sell order on a pair just before news is out?
If you had given a cursory glance to to the expected Gdp for the UK, then you would have seen there were a lot of positive reports, therby expecting sterling to get stronger,
At worst when news especially something as major a GDP is expected stay out.
If you are a technical trader STAY OUT during news announcements as economic data will always eclipse technical analysis.
Don't play the news, It never does what you expect it to do, I have seen cable drop just as much on good news as it rose today.
Leave that to the big boys
Something as major as GDP will be on on bloomberg but you can be aware of when news is out by referring to the forexfactory calender.

Hustler, I don't wish to appear unkind but it has to be said that you don't appear to have all the ingredients in place in order that you can make informed decisions about how to trade this pair.

Theres nothing new here as far as the chart goes, all those fancy indicators are derived from the price action.....so although it may look very pretty to some...trust me when I say that there will be no added value derived from this way of doing things.

One more thing. In another thread you ask for people to follow you on a skype chat room. The word "follow" implies that you are the man. The problem with this is that newbie inexperienced traders may hang on your every word and could in reality be subjected to a very expensive lesson.

Perhaps a good starting point may be if you would kindly explain what it is you are looking for in order to take the trades.
Dude why do you even feel the need to use 8 indicators on 5 time frames to make a buy/sell call. 😆

The saying analysis paralysis comes to mind or even OVER KILL. 😛

Keep it simple! I don't even trade FX as I regard it as a mine field full of BS and politics and silver bullets to dodge everyday such as the scheduled news releases.

But if its working for you which I don't now then power to you.

I just think that a large % of people trade the FX market without knowing or having a clue on what they are doing. Most just trade it to "play trader" because others do,