I'm Starting a Skype Room

Good point, here my reply

i use price actions with a proper use of moving averages and time frame to make my decisions. i have learned this to be the best way.

and yes there is nothing new here, its just used in the correct way which really does add value to my trades.

here you also have a point at to i am human and can make mistake . point taken, but to be honest with i have alot i can teach a newbie if i ever do decide to teach someone how to really trade. i say my lesson can increase someones trading by 90%

Hustler, I don't wish to appear unkind but it has to be said that you don't appear to have all the ingredients in place in order that you can make informed decisions about how to trade this pair.

Theres nothing new here as far as the chart goes, all those fancy indicators are derived from the price action.....so although it may look very pretty to some...trust me when I say that there will be no added value derived from this way of doing things.

One more thing. In another thread you ask for people to follow you on a skype chat room. The word "follow" implies that you are the man. The problem with this is that newbie inexperienced traders may hang on your every word and could in reality be subjected to a very expensive lesson.

Perhaps a good starting point may be if you would kindly explain what it is you are looking for in order to take the trades.
heres your answer.

i use it as a buffer ... fact is markets rang. my system is designed to buff out rangs take a look at the pic . every low time frame is trended in a higher time frame.. 😕 some aske the same questions theres the answer. if you really want to win in this game as i said before all time frames are need

Dude why do you even feel the need to use 8 indicators on 5 time frames to make a buy/sell call. 😆

The saying analysis paralysis comes to mind or even OVER KILL. 😛

Keep it simple! I don't even trade FX as I regard it as a mine field full of BS and politics and silver bullets to dodge everyday such as the scheduled news releases.

But if its working for you which I don't now then power to you.

I just think that a large % of people trade the FX market without knowing or having a clue on what they are doing. Most just trade it to "play trader" because others do,
I just noticed some things. Maybe you can explain seeing you are looking for someone to "follow" you, and you believe 90% of what you have, newbies can benefit.
You said you had 400 pips since you last spoke. A post shortly before that you said you will start with $200 towards $3 million, even though you currently have $7 in your account. How could you have $7 in your account after +400 pips? Actually, how is it your only posted trade in real time, you lost on?
You said in another post you shoot for 10 pips, but your system allows you 50 pips per day, and then in naother palce you said you make 100 pips per day. Yet, the only trade you made in real time has a target of 250 pips.
You said somewhere you are from Calif, but your profile says UK.
You want to have newbies follow you, but have no idea of the effects the news has on price action.
53 posts into this site and you're filled will contradictions.
Let me give you another fact. You mentioned your indicators don't lag. Price will move against your indciators before your indicators will move with the price. In other words, price action will always be ahead of the indicators (Ahh, you did say yours don't lag because they are based on proce action.). I use the ichimoku cloud. It gives a good future imperative, by looking at the indicators that are contained within the cloud. Even the ichimoku cloud needs to be interpreted correctly in order for it to be a winning part of the methodology.
Here's another fact. I have a proprietary set of S&R's. My yearlies are done before the year starts (Same said for the dailies, weeklies, and monthlies.). The point is I know where key supports and resistances will be at during the year, because it was predetermined. My S&R's are even created from former price action.
Plain and simple, you like many others want to be a trader, and that part of it is okay. Nothing wrong with wanting to be a star player. But, you are still a newbie. Just sit back and learn to develop a methodology. A lot of your rhetoric sounds good, but it does not make you pips. What gives it away are all the inconsistencies as I noted. It's the tone, and trying to impress someone without the underlying principle to back it up.

No truer words are spoken by an experienced trader. I have been in the skype room and will not be going back. It is littered with inconsistancies. And someone getting support T2W noobies. Is is fine to say who you are and where you are in your trading life but not to call trades trying to look like a successful trader. I have no problem telling people that I have come back to trading after a long time away - things have changed and I have a lot of work to do and I would not advise others as I would not want to lose money or go down the wrong track.
Hustler, play the game fairly and you will get good support on here.
""You said you had 400 pips since you last spoke. A post shortly before that you said you will start with $200 towards $3 million, even though you currently have $7 in your account. How could you have $7 in your account after +400 pips?"

true..they were demo trades....

"Actually, how is it your only posted trade in real time, you lost on? ""

had a lot of new people to the room, price spiked low then staled it created a lag on my set up. it was a new experiance. i gave a 40 pip stoploss at the high.... stoploss hit.. thats it.

" You said in another post you shoot for 10 pips, but your system allows you 50 pips per day, and then in naother palce you said you make 100 pips per day. Yet, the only trade you made in real time has a target of 250 pips."

true..10 pips is all i need and the thread was speaking on a 20 pips a day goal. if you read my post i said i started out just looking for 10 pips a day. plus i backed him saying i do just look for 10 pips a day which is true.. for anyone to win in this market 10pips is all they need. as you say my system allows me 50+pips a days. i start only looking for 10 pips this is a mind set. my signals are set for 50 +pips, i make a 100 pips per day when its all said and done. that trade target is set correct and would have hit if the news said other wise..i gave a call and stuck to it. im really not a news trader because the charts show the action and that is what i trade. a it was a bad . a human error .. the system called the buy perfect it was just me\ who took the sell.

"You said somewhere you are from Calif, but your profile says UK. "

my skype says cali

"You want to have newbies follow you, but have no idea of the effects the news has on price action."

i know what the news do i just dont follow it. to much for a trader to keep up with this b/s azz governments.

"53 posts into this site and you're filled will contradictions.


"Let me give you another fact. You mentioned your indicators don't lag. Price will move against your indciators before your indicators will move with the price. In other words, price action will always be ahead of the indicators (Ahh, you did say yours don't lag because they are based on proce action.). I use the ichimoku cloud. It gives a good future imperative, by looking at the indicators that are contained within the cloud. Even the ichimoku cloud needs to be interpreted correctly in order for it to be a winning part of the methodology. "

yes that was a bad example on my behalf.. i have never an other trader singals signal trends as good as mine do. they're off buy only maybe 30 pips for high and lows. to me thats not lagging as they signal signals 1 or 2 bars in to the trends. thats not lagging to me... ask any trader here if they call tops and bottom 1-2 bars in to the trend, they dont ,, I do..whos lagging me or you?

Here's another fact. I have a proprietary set of S&R's. My yearlies are done before the year starts (Same said for the dailies, weeklies, and monthlies.). The point is I know where key supports and resistances will be at during the year, because it was predetermined. My S&R's are even created from former price action. "

yes i know how to do this and use to do this with pivot points. then i relised its retarted to do.. i have to make money every day in an uncertain market(news release).. no-matter how good you get at S&R you never get it right.. and trust me i am d-mn good with S&R.. had a demo account at dukascopy, it was all i used to make a profit with ...

"Plain and simple, you like many others want to be a trader, and that part of it is okay. Nothing wrong with wanting to be a star player. But, you are still a newbie. Just sit back and learn to develop a methodology. A lot of your rhetoric sounds good, but it does not make you pips. What gives it away are all the inconsistencies as I noted. It's the tone, and trying to impress someone without the underlying principle to back it up.[/QUOTE]

sure.. newbie, wow.. im not a fund manager or old money .. but i do d=mn good as is calling the market.. you say your a pro. tell me how many pips do you make a day and dont say its not important.. i can hit the 100pip mark every day from here to new years. and not have a problam. can you do that with your goal...


I just noticed some things. Maybe you can explain seeing you are looking for someone to "follow" you, and you believe 90% of what you have, newbies can benefit.
You said you had 400 pips since you last spoke. A post shortly before that you said you will start with $200 towards $3 million, even though you currently have $7 in your account. How could you have $7 in your account after +400 pips? Actually, how is it your only posted trade in real time, you lost on?
You said in another post you shoot for 10 pips, but your system allows you 50 pips per day, and then in naother palce you said you make 100 pips per day. Yet, the only trade you made in real time has a target of 250 pips.
You said somewhere you are from Calif, but your profile says UK.
You want to have newbies follow you, but have no idea of the effects the news has on price action.
53 posts into this site and you're filled will contradictions.
Let me give you another fact. You mentioned your indicators don't lag. Price will move against your indciators before your indicators will move with the price. In other words, price action will always be ahead of the indicators (Ahh, you did say yours don't lag because they are based on proce action.). I use the ichimoku cloud. It gives a good future imperative, by looking at the indicators that are contained within the cloud. Even the ichimoku cloud needs to be interpreted correctly in order for it to be a winning part of the methodology.
Here's another fact. I have a proprietary set of S&R's. My yearlies are done before the year starts (Same said for the dailies, weeklies, and monthlies.). The point is I know where key supports and resistances will be at during the year, because it was predetermined. My S&R's are even created from former price action.
Plain and simple, you like many others want to be a trader, and that part of it is okay. Nothing wrong with wanting to be a star player. But, you are still a newbie. Just sit back and learn to develop a methodology. A lot of your rhetoric sounds good, but it does not make you pips. What gives it away are all the inconsistencies as I noted. It's the tone, and trying to impress someone without the underlying principle to back it up.
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I see English is not your first language. What country do you hail from?

For other readers -here is a video about itchy clouds mentioned by the hustler, if interested (Youtube - Chris Capre-founder of Second Skies LLC )

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true i had an ego trip. sometime you have to make sense of you self.. i needed an edge something to put me on top the failure was it. if you could understand that. it was like me saying hey i can lose this trade and still be successful... droping a pebble in a pound and seeing what happens..takes pressure off my shoulders know people think of feel i can lose. remember every in my room asked me what was my next trade i gave them my honest opinon about it at that time. makets change and so does the mind set give me a brake.


No truer words are spoken by an experienced trader. I have been in the skype room and will not be going back. It is littered with inconsistancies. And someone getting support T2W noobies. Is is fine to say who you are and where you are in your trading life but not to call trades trying to look like a successful trader. I have no problem telling people that I have come back to trading after a long time away - things have changed and I have a lot of work to do and I would not advise others as I would not want to lose money or go down the wrong track.
Hustler, play the game fairly and you will get good support on here.

You uploaded charts last night in the room that did not make any sense. You also had problems explaining in plain english how they work. Where is all the evidence that you make all the pips you claim? You may call the market and be lucky now and again.
You will never build a good reputation or convince anyone with all the errors and poor
My concern is there are noobies who are looking for someone to follow and they will do as you suggest in a forum or a skype room. They won't demo first, they will lose money. It is a great responsibility to teach or show others new skills - especially in trading when no system fits. I should know, I have been teaching, training and writing courses for over 30 years.

Stop thinking about your ego, think about what you are doing.......
i said i was not going to explain not that i could not explain them.. and its sad as a fellow trader you can not understand them, as it is in plain view how i trade. and anybody with 2 cent in this market knows what indicators i use so why is there a need to explain it. i color coded it and line up the signal sacross the charts. easy i said it earlier in the tread..


You uploaded charts last night in the room that did not make any sense. You also had problems explaining in plain english how they work. Where is all the evidence that you make all the pips you claim? You may call the market and be lucky now and again.
You will never build a good reputation or convince anyone with all the errors and poor
There was another trader who was experienced in the room who couldnt understand them either. You don't understand them , that is the problem!
The good traders will post a chart and explain how they method works. Post one of your charts on here and get some feedback!
true i try to tell people to demo my trades before going full time( really just wanted people to follow along an see how i do, as i will be starting my goal of 1 million in three months, i am going to make it clear i am just showing my skills as a trader and new traders should just only follow along as i trade, ) .. trying to teach people how to trade is like telling a baby to wipe its on behind, its not going to happen..

My concern is there are noobies who are looking for someone to follow and they will do as you suggest in a forum or a skype room. They won't demo first, they will lose money. It is a great responsibility to teach or show others new skills - especially in trading when no system fits. I should know, I have been teaching, training and writing courses for over 30 years.

Stop thinking about your ego, think about what you are doing.......
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what is it that you dont understand ? then i will explain


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Yes its very slow market for gb pairs.

cable has only moved 70 odd points only half its daily range
and gbp/jpy is simple terrible only 100 odd points since open.
Yes simply terrible, we must wait for the market to pic up.

Did it pic up ?
