im on a roll

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''For the Absolute minority who are willing to work hard and progress, I strongly advise you read and pay attention. For everyone else, let your positions 'breathe' as you sweat over whether your stop is going to be hit again... ''

Firstly I see no reason why anyone with a sensible stop loss in place would be sweating and worrying about it getting hit, I certainly don't! If you have put a stop loss on the trade then you have committed to accepting the loss before it is taken. So when the stop does get hit its just a trade that didn't work, simple.

Why can you not see that there is no right way to trade, including placing stops? Stops are there to minimise risk and to ALLOW YOU to be wrong many times and still be in the game. There is no point having very tight stops if the entry to trades is not perfectly timed because even if the trade is ok YOU ARE LIKELY TO GET STOPPED OUT. And not only that but teojh wont learn anything from it exept that his entries are no good, which he knows anyway!

Market Wizards- Interview with Linda Bradford Raschke Pg 301.

So when you take a bad trade you don't dump it immediately?

That's right. I find that I can usually get out at a better price if I have a little patience. Once i'm out, its easy for me to get back in. If I buy back at a higher price, I just look at it as a fresh trade.

When I first read that it really made sense to me, especially as the type of trading she gave examples of really appealed to me.

This is not the best quote from this book but it does illustrate that there is no right way to do things. Linda might get stopped out all the time if she used very tight stops like you are suggesting, even though her idea and trade had the potential to be right.

I took 10 trades today, 6 of them where timed superbly, they only went one way. Two of them where good trades but the timing was slightly out so they went about 6pts against me and then went into the blue. The other two I closed out at break even as they had gone into loss buy about 15 pips (my stop is 20) then they came back to BE so I exited. My win loss ratio is 1:2

Yes I have to be right 50% of the time just to BE but that is how I want to trade, and my win rate is way more than 50%. Yes I can have a stop of 10 to make it 1:1, but I don't want to. Maybe in the future I will, but at the present time I will stick with my stops that give my trade ''room to breath'' and you can stick with very tight ones.

I'm afraid we are going to have to agree to disagree. Of course I can accept that the less risk the better and there is no substitute for a good entry and trade management, but what I cannot accept is that there is only one right way to do something and it is yours, we are all different and therefore our trading must be different.
For the absolute minority:

FACT: Tight Stops prevent you from losing too much if the trade is misjudged
OPINION: Tight Stops will get hit often

There is NO SUCH THING as "the potential to be right", either you are right or you are not.

Be wary of people giving advice they have read in a pretty glossy trading book.

3 x 10 point losses in a row loses 30 points or $1500 on the ES. At this rate you won't be in the game long before you have to top up your margin again. TRUST ME, I have been there many, many times. I have abandoned the room to breathe madness for the better.

I made real progress when I started trading with 1.75 point stops and now 1.25 point stops. I have had many, many losing trades but I am still in the game and learning something new each and every time. I still make mistakes and break my rules but none, I repeat, NONE of my losses are due to tight stops. I always know exactly why I lose and how to avoid it next time.

I am not giving you quotes in bold taken from a pretty glossy trading book. I am giving you advice from battle hardened experience. Trading with tight stops forces you to be efficient, it forces you to study, observe, abstain and only trade when it is the right thing to do at exactly the right time.

Kind regards.
Stops are required when trading.
Then its knowing where to place those stops.
Some wise words have been spoken by new_trader, however this is a game of timing and direction, get one of those wrong and your a looser.

Have entry points mapped out before you start, soon as your in profit lock in the profits.
If you have losses cut them fast and move on.
Have a maximum number of contracts you will hold with a maximum loss for any day.
Trading is a hard business, when one has the knollage and expierance the market can still come and bite when your least expecting it to.

Watch the market tank over the next few days. I could tell you why , but isnt this site all about learning ?
Watch the market tank over the next few days. I could tell you why , but isnt this site all about learning ?

lol tanked it has indeed - DOW + 180 or so

''I could tell you why''

well ofcourse you can, the dow was around 7,990 when the post was made, and tanking was supposed to happen when it hit 8000 late yesterday or early today.
And i presume ur outlook was 7,500 for double bottom.

even if it tanks now bit late...would have wacked you for a good 200 ticks.

hope you never had a short on