Your Biggest Winning & Losing Trade


Established member
I know some wont want to comment on this for whatever reason but i thought it would make an interesting thread topic...

Im not a big player especially at the moment but i have done a few large trades on stocks.

My biggest win was over 6k and that was a pretty good feeling, especially for a new trader

My biggest loss was 2.5k and there is a funny story behind this, i was in equity of several
thousand, i felt happy and i went out and bought a new car.. to come back to a big loss :|

Also i'd been stopped out on my loss as it was done on a spread betting platform, damn! ha

So, whats your biggest winner and loser :?:
I know some wont want to comment on this for whatever reason but i thought it would make an interesting thread topic...

Im not a big player especially at the moment but i have done a few large trades on stocks.

My biggest win was over 6k and that was a pretty good feeling, especially for a new trader

My biggest loss was 2.5k and there is a funny story behind this, i was in equity of several
thousand, i felt happy and i went out and bought a new car.. to come back to a big loss :|

Also i'd been stopped out on my loss as it was done on a spread betting platform, damn! ha

So, whats your biggest winner and loser :?:

Only had 2 lots of silver and ended up with about double what this screenshot shows...but this is all I captured at that moment 🙂 Wish I kept the position!!! Would be up a couple 100g's 🙂

Biggest loss was about $5k a contract on a larger swing trade.



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Its good to see a Vendor that actually trades lol... and even better to see one do it well

p.s May 2011 was obviously better than April 2011 that you have displayed in your sig
Its good to see a Vendor that actually trades lol... and even better to see one do it well

p.s May 2011 was obviously better than April 2011 that you have displayed in your sig

haha thanks. There have been losses before, this one just happen to be in the money very very fast 🙂 I never expected in a million years to make that much in a few days. I can't really remember a market being like that in the past with the exception of crude a few years back. Just to trade 1-2 contracts now on Silver, the risk is extreme. Hopefully it will calm down soon.

This trade was actually a longer term investment trade, where as the sig is only for day trading. I haven't updated it though...forgot to do it. Thanks for reminding me 👍
I placed a silver trade yesterday as it dropped down somewhat, so i bought in for a re-trace... it was going ok and then it dropped further and stopped me out, although it was not a large buy and i was just on a SB account... whats your views for silver at the moment?
In 2001 when I was new to trading I lost 8k in less than a minute and just about blew my 10k starter account with one trade. Basically I went long at a level that one or more large institutions considered the place to dump. Needless to say that £78 per point put me in my place very quickly.
I placed a silver trade yesterday as it dropped down somewhat, so i bought in for a re-trace... it was going ok and then it dropped further and stopped me out, although it was not a large buy and i was just on a SB account... whats your views for silver at the moment?

We probably head to the $31 area, then $28. If we break above $39 then a good shot for $43, but for now it is still very bearish imo.
biggest loser £2650 (my 3rd ever trade) on the ftse 350 and with a spread of 30, at least it took two days to bleed me. might have to edit this if eur/usd won't drop through the floor.

biggest winner......still waiting!
biggest loser £2650 (my 3rd ever trade) on the ftse 350 and with a spread of 30, at least it took two days to bleed me. might have to edit this if eur/usd won't drop through the floor.

biggest winner......still waiting!

Lol have you got a short on EUR/USD too? I placed one last night as it bounced off 1.4500
Its due a big wave down imo, in fact i was very surprised it made the bounce back up already

I've been waiting for a big down move for a while, lets hope it comes 👍
Hi all

I SOLD a CALL OPTION recently 12 contracts of PCX 22 USD strike premium 0.41 C

This was a WEEKLY Option -- list of weekly tradeable options are available from the CBOE site.

This netted 467 USD just on the premium (costs 14.95 for option 9.95 for share purchase)

Two days later on the Friday I was "called" -- The shares had reached 22.80

I paid 21. 20 USD for rhe shares so I made another 1920 usd on the transaction -- so profit for two days was 467 + 1920 = 2387.

Now I know this is Small beer to a lot of experienced traders but I'm just feeling my way around trading Options (usually as a SELLER rather than BUYER of PUTS /CALLS) but I'm not complaining of 2400 USD profit in 2 days on essentially ONE trade.

Regular trades like that will soon increase the portfolio.

Beats for sure Buy and Hold since with relatively stable shares you consistently gain the premium (yours whatever happens to the stock) and you can make small incremental amounts if you keep getting "Called".

I know you might risk losing a BIG profit if the stock rises very fast but it seems to me pick a relatively stable reasonably priced stock --so there isn't much risk of huge losses and keep selling Near the Money (NTM) CALLS on the WEEKLY option --these expire every FRIDAY.

There are loads of other things you can do with options but as I'm just beginning I need to increase my portfolio relatively safely - especially in volatile markets.

The PCX share seems to be trelatively stable even whenthe market moves sharply downwards so selling CALL OPTIONS on this stock seems to be OK -- also COAL is increasing in demand by CHINA / INDIA etc - especially with the Nuclear accident in Japan.

Coal Might be an old fashioned stock but the old Yorkshire saying "Where there's muck there's Brass" applies in this case.

Lol have you got a short on EUR/USD too? I placed one last night as it bounced off 1.4500
Its due a big wave down imo, in fact i was very surprised it made the bounce back up already

I've been waiting for a big down move for a while, lets hope it comes 👍

been short for a couple of days, it was looking quite promising but at this rate it could hit 1.50 next week...meh, i've still got my health😆
Good luck with your trading jimbo45

rc450 lets hope it doesn't reach 1.5000 next week :/
Im hoping 1.4500 is a strong resistance point for now, fingers crossed