Sticky I'm New To T2W - Where Do I Start?

Hello guys
Im Damn
Im 16 years old
Im developer and modder but newbie still exploring
I love exploring related in Computer like hacking , developing , modding and many more

And i have experience in GFX Designer
Hey everyone, hope ya'll are keeping safe in these crazy times.
I'll keep it short here, and we'll get to know each other throughout the forum hopefully.
I just finished my Psychology studies and with current circumstances I'll hardly land a job any time soon. That's pretty much the reason I joined here, I got some savings that I'd like invested smart. This forum seems like a good place to start so I'm looking forward to hanging out with you guys, and hopefully learning something and eventually making money of it.

Glad to be here, stay safe everyone! 🙂
Hello Guys I am live in Abu Dhabi. A best think of them like the disruptive children in a classroom - that take away your concentration and valuable time with the teachers and mentors as they rant and rage and pout in the corner............time wasted by the mentors having to talk to them and pacify them and even argue with them whilst valuable time slips away ..............who truly knows the reasons why these people behave as such but they do ..........its allowed here.
myself sarantrade am new here in forums,
in terms of my number of posts. I have to say that I'm struggling a little with where to start, too - is it just me, or are a large number of the threads here very long strings? It's as though they are often extended conversations that take place over months, with the 'in' references etc that that brings, which makes it harder to jump is as a newbie. Other fora I have inhabited - including non-Forex ones - tend to go more for shorter, topic-specific discussions.
Hello traders,
My name is Alon and I have been trading equities in the US stock market since 2005, I also develop algo trading strategies using python as the primarily development language, i came here to learn more as this journey is endless,
One last thing, I'm the founder of AlphaOverBeta.Net which is an interesting service for retail investors, check it out and let me know what you think, I appreciate reviews and the chance to improve,
See you on my next post,
not new to trading, not new to t2w, just never registered an account .. trade nq,es,cl futs (ninja).. write lots of code(c#), use ai/ml .. happy trading buds!
early days yet, am trying lots of different algos to see if there is any alpha that would enhance my strategy .. its fairly resource heavy, so not sure it will be of help to me long term, but you never know .. currently mining data which is mind numbing! lol ..
Hi, I am an learner currently trading on Trading212 platform using Stocks ISA and so far had some losses and recoveries both with currently positive balance. Based in UK, I mainly trade UK shares and some ETFs but not dared going near CFD since every time I tried it in practice account I lost all my money. Here to share my experience and learn from experts.
Hi I am Mel from Singapore. I am "developing" systems for auto trading, and would like to share the results of trading at my broker,.
Hi there,

I’m new to all this and would really like to know, once you set a strategy and inserted your stop loss how long should you really wait as a day trader to see if it comes off?