I'm doing great!

Buy on today's open OPSW.


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nice one

Hi wwatson,

I'm just wondering where you get the courage to post your trades. Do you drink heavily? 🙂 Unless you're a living legend you're like guaranteed criticism. There's almost a feeling that people WANT you to lose (I'm SURE that's not true from the wonderful folks here at t2w).

I wish you good success in the future, looks like you're doing a'right so far,

Hi vaxxy, I am always looking to improve how I trade and keeping a journal is proving to be a great help.

I am open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

It is becoming a bit of a hobby, I wish you success also and hope you will follow my progress in the following months.

Kindest regards John.
Giving calls is a tough game.Anyone who does it should be wished well,because everything is laid bare for all to see.Keep up the good work.

In the last two weeks i've been giving live educational day trading calls out on the web.The way i've done it where i can is to give the call live, then post the chart and my account entry and exit.Then absolutely everything is laid open.

Here's a recent example.



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Nice trade! Where are you doing the calls I would be interested in taking a look.

I prefer short to medium term swing trading as I use fundamentals for stock selection and then technicals for market timing.

Crack on!!
sell to close out BLT.

Buy on open MTIC


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Re-post 184
Excellent trade, Naz.
I agree with Naz, keep it up wwatson1, good stuff.
It is very hard trading yourself and also putting up educational alerts, especially live intraday.
It sorts out the real traders from the others.
Sell to close out MTIC on today's open.
Sell to close out PWER on today's open.

Buy ENPT on today's open.

I have more of an explination on my homepage www.800bull.com, Click the stock symbol and it will take you to the chart, I spent loads of time on it this morning so hope you check it out. 😕


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PWER +$0.86 +17.77%

MTIC +$0.36 +20.11%

sell to close out LTBG on today's open.
sell to close out AFG on today's open.


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wwatson1 said:
Im am enjoying consistent profits. I invite you to join my success.

All of my trades are done on the open.

I will post my next trade before the open. Be sure to check out my trade log on my homepage.
Hi, all
I can make a prediction for open, close or extrems and it will be easy to checked out with real data, email me company task code.