Illuminat Trader

  • Thread starter Thread starter joza
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  • Watchers Watchers 2


Hi. I am brand new to the forum. Does anyone have an experience with the "Illuminati Trader"? Is it for real or just a way for the seller to make money?
Hi Joza

I can't say with any certainty as I have no experience of this system but probably just a way for a seller to make money. The below quote from the system website rings alarm bells:

'Imagine making over 100% profit in only a few days... '

Trust me, it isn't that easy. The above suggests a lot of over leveraging which means you may get lucky a few times and double your account but after that you will just blow it. I'd stay well clear of this...

Just understand the paradox regarding ALL systems sellers:

1) If your system is so good, why do you need to make tiny amounts selling it when you could make a fortune being the only user of it?

2) The act of trading creates no wealth, it only transfers wealth. I.e. trading is a zero-sum game - when you win, you are making someone else poorer and vica-versa. Therefore, the more people that use a successful system, the less successful it will become. So why would you want to sell it?


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