If you could choose a country


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Every time I visit trade2win there always seems to be a number of members bangin on in some corner about the evil US Empire and how it is responsible for much that is wrong with the world.

I don't really take that much interest in world politics and also, I don't swallow any of the countless conspiracy theories about the US that circulate on the internet so when a thread develops into one of those " Lets Bash America " type threads I very quickly get bored and stop following it.

Now I'm a Limmey born and bred and I'm not exactly the world’s biggest fan of the United States. From what I can see the Americans have some pretty bizarre ideas about gun control and healthcare. They also drive on the wrong side of the road, have absolutely no taste when it comes to ball sports and as for all this punching into air whilst hooting with animal glee, well, I think that's all a load of very silly nonsense indeed. 😡

Having said that, I can't help but feel a little bit sorry for the Americans. I for one don't think they deserve ALL the criticism they receive. As one of the biggest ( if not the biggest ) and most successful economies in the world I suspect there are a lot of very jealous non-US citizens around the world who despise Americans. This probably explains why it seems to be the fashion ( and acceptable ) to blame America for anything and everything they can.

The US is also well on the road to racial harmony which I imagine irritates the hell out of many non-US citizens who consider their own countries to be absolutely perfect.

Another reason the US comes in for a lot of stick could simply be that it's natural for everyone to want to fcuk with the toughest kids on the block. When the Romans ruled the world everyone wanted to fcuk with them. Later, when Britain ruled the waves we were the bad guys and everyone wanted to screw with us.

So I guess it's not all America's fault. I mean, someone has to be the most powerful nation on the planet, and right now, I think it's the turn of the Americans.

If I had a choice I would prefer the UK to be the most powerful nation on the planet. ( Yeah, I know, we didn't exactly do a great job of ruling the world, we transformed slavery into a global industry and we completely fcuked up many parts of the globe by arbitrarily draw lines on maps and expecting different cultures to coexist peacefully either side of those lines ).

So anyway, if the UK can't rule the world, then for me, personally, the US is the next best thing. The reason being I guess is that when in doubt, I stick with what I know. America is essentially, a white ( no, I'm not a racist ), English speaking, European settler nation with basic Christian values and a belief in democracy and the free market ( he said naively :cheesy: )

I mean, who the hell would you want to rule the world if not the Americans ? Iran ? Zimbabwe ? Russia ? China ? N Korea ? Israel ? Pakistan ? or even, God forbid, the dreaded French :-0

Now this is just my view and I don't want to start off yet another Lets Bash America or Lets Defend America type thread and anyone wanting to get involved in such arguments has plenty of other threads to choose from.

So what's the purpose of this thread then ? you ask.

Well, what I want to know is, if you could decide which country ( other than the US that is ) was to be the most powerful nation on the planet, both economically and militarily, which nation would you choose ?

I'm not just interested to know which country you would pick, but also, the reasons for your choice.

Oh ! and by the way, there's a condition, you're not allowed to pick your country of origin. So Brits, you can't pick the UK, Canadians, you can't pick Canada, and so on and so forth.

You may pick your adopted country, so if say for example, you're Irish living in New Zealand, then you may pick New Zealand if you want.

I'm particularly interested in the choice of the US bashers ( you all know who you are :cheesy: ), and also, the views of Americans. However, this question is open to everyone.

As for me, I was going to pick Canada ( for similar reasons I’ve already stated above ) but then I remembered a lot of Canadians speak French so I decided to go for Australia instead.

So come on then T2W, someone's got to be top dog, if the poor old Yanks are such a bad lot, and making such a mess of things, then who would you rather have as the most powerful nation on the planet ?

and don't forget, you're not allowed to pick your country of origin.

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After the USA, excluding Canada (cause some speak French) I'm not sure why you picked Australia as "the mot powerful nation both economically and militarily"

Sure this is a great place to live, amazing climate, and even better when we whip the POMS, again, in cricket and most other sports.

But outside our island waters reside the big boys of world economic power, China, Korea, Japan, France (but they speak French so they don't count) and of course the POMS.
India also deserves an honourable mention.

Best place to live, you can't beat good ol Aussie, but as far as the economic and military powerhouse goes....... my dollars on China.
Actually I think the only people in Europe with a US fixation are you Brits.

When I'm over in London, newpapers are constantly full about US this and US that.

That simply does not exist in the rest of the EU that is as big or even bigger than the US economically, in most of the rest of the EU the USA is seen as just another player on the world stage, and not a lot of focus is on them unless they start wreaking havoc.

My issue with the USA is not anything remotely fundamental, it's that they have started an oil war that has killed over one million innoccent human beings, people that could all still be alive and living their dreams if it weren't for Mr. Bush and his enabling NeoCons and religious right wing loonies.

My choice for world leader ?

That would be a tie between the UK who built up an Empire with virtually no bloodshed, did that through contracts largely and very amazingly, and went on to run the fairest Empire the world has ever seen, or, alternatively, Finland:


Finland just might be the world�s most interesting country that Americans know least about. It has the best school system in the world, some of the most liberated women (the president is female), more cell phones per capita than anyone else, one of the world�s best high-tech companies (Nokia), remarkable information technology of many kinds, great music from rock and jazz to classical. The Finns are proud of their generous welfare state, which provides, among much else, free health care and free education at every level.

Finland is quite big, the size of Kansas and Iowa combined, but sparsely populated -- 5.2 million souls, or about 10 percent smaller than metropolitan Washington, D.C. For three weeks, Lucian Perkins and I will be traveling around the country to try to figure it out. Lucian takes pictures and occasionally writes about what he sees; I will concentrate on words. We will try to figure out how the Finns have been so successful in so many different ways and why Finland appears to be one of the most modern and most adaptable societies anywhere. We'll also see if we can find some chinks in their armor, on the old but reliable theory that nothing is perfect.

Finland has largely reinvented itself over the last generation. Its educational system, economy, technology and sense of itself have all been transformed. This is change on a scale rarely seen in the world; only China, perhaps, has undergone a similar transformation in such a short period of time.

Superb schools symbolize the modern transformation of Finland, a poor and agrarian nation half a century ago, and today one of the world's most prosperous, modern and adaptable countries.

Finland finishes first in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) exams that test 15-year-olds in all of the world's industrial democracies. Finland also finishes at or near the top in many global comparisons of economic competitiveness: Internet usage, environmental practices and more. Finland, where the modern cell phone was largely invented, has more cell phones per capita than any other nation -- nearly 85 per 100 citizens.��

The Finnish Report Card

Finland has largely remade itself over the last 35 years, revamping its education system, transforming its medical care structure and creating a new high-tech sector that, thanks to cell phone manufacturer Nokia, has become an international player.

Today Finland is regularly cited as among the world's best in a variety of indexes and comparisons.

For example:
· The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, ranks Finland's the most competitive economy in the world.

· Yale and Columbia universities rank the nations of the world in a "sustainability index" that measures a country's ability to "protect the natural environment over the next several decades." Finland is first in the rankings.

· Statistics kept by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development show that Finland invests more of its gross domestic product in research and development than any country but Sweden.

· Finnish 15-year-olds score first in the industrial world on comparative tests of their academic abilities.

· According to a global survey by Transparency International, Finland is perceived as the least corrupt country in the world. (The United States is tied for 17th.)

· Finns read newspapers and take books out of libraries at rates as high or higher than all other countries.

· Finland trains more musicians, per capita, than any other country.
-- Robert G. Kaiser"

Finland Diary
Singapore, Australia

India is country of my forefathers, but my father and me were not born there.....

So I should say India as well.....

And no it is NOT US people bashing, It is the US Politicians and their Policy bashing.

People normally are really NOT responsible for any Policies but Politicians are.

Every time I read about Ghettos in US, and people with no Medical help whatsoever, and then see the same country spending BILLIONS on war to 'Free' other people, I don't accept that standpoint.

Charity begins at HOME....And I would like to see that happen in US.

I believe that UK's founding fathers of Modern Politics had their heart in right place. As they did instigate the National Health and other Social issues that are, and remain, probably the best achievement of any Civilization ANYWHERE.

I am therefore proud to belong to a Culture like this. But as I live here, I have not added UK to the list, otheriwse I am happy here and would not like to go anywhere...!
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None. There is no one country that should be in charge, now or at any time in the future. And given the "hear no evil, see no evil" attitude adopted toward their own countries by those who participate in these threads, I see no reason to assume that said participants could be any more objective in assessing the fitness of other nations.

But a laudable attempt, dick, to elevate the tone of the discussion. 🙂
As far as which country should be in charge of the whole planet finances and military might, I think I would have to go with Uganda. Their human rights policies, tollerance and attitude toward others, and fiscal understanding makes them a top contender for the title.
Sure this is a great place to live, amazing climate, and even better when we whip the POMS, again, in cricket and most other sports.

Not darts though because this is played in pubs and Brits are good at those kind of sports.

As far as which country should be in charge of the whole planet finances and military might, I think I would have to go with Uganda. Their human rights policies, tollerance and attitude toward others, and fiscal understanding makes them a top contender for the title.

I would agree although North Korea would be a close second.
Right then, the candidates so far :-

North Korea

( although to be honest, I suspect Uganda and North Korea may be a little over qualified for the job ).

None. There is no one country that should be in charge, now or at any time in the future. And given the "hear no evil, see no evil" attitude adopted toward their own countries by those who participate in these threads, I see no reason to assume that said participants could be any more objective in assessing the fitness of other nations.

But a laudable attempt, dick, to elevate the tone of the discussion. 🙂

Well yes db, I couldn't agree more, in a perfect world no one country would be in charge.

But I guess humans being human, if nobody was in charge of the world then we would end up having some sort of military contest to establish who was top dog.

It's similar to the dilemma one faces during an election db, it doesn't matter how much you dislike all the candidates involved, when you wake up the morning after election day, some asshole ends up running the show.

So if I may rephrase the question db,

it's not

who would you like to see running the world ?

but rather,

if someone has to be the most powerful nation on earth, which country do you think would be the least worst option to carry out the role ?
( other than the US that is ).

I'm surprised no-one has stepped forward to defend France against my veiled attack earlier.

Imagine if France ruled the world, everyone just lounging around, making love all afternoon, eating fine food, drinking wine, low blood pressure for all ........... beats praying in the Mosque five times a day don't you think ?

I'm surprised no-one has stepped forward to defend France against my veiled attack earlier.


What surprised me was that; when "America" changed for "dreaded french" somehow tone of the discussion became "elevated" . And others thought, spotting this elevation worth recommending for.

So if I may rephrase the question db,

it's not

who would you like to see running the world ?

but rather,

if someone has to be the most powerful nation on earth, which country do you think would be the least worst option to carry out the role ?
( other than the US that is ).

Grand Fenwick, I suppose, if I had to choose.

But since mankind hasn't shown the slightest interest in saving itself, I doubt that it will make any difference.

I'm very glad that I'm not just starting out . . .
So come on then T2W, someone's got to be top dog, if the poor old Yanks are such a bad lot, and making such a mess of things, then who would you rather have as the most powerful nation on the planet ?

and don't forget, you're not allowed to pick your country of origin.

The Scots are pretty clever - see this: SCOTLAND'S INVENTIONS

Already they have non-reciprocal political voting rights in addition to comprising the power base of the government of another country (England). Having influenced the rest of the world for so long they are now sufficiently experienced to take on the role posed in this thread.
Why not move around as the fancy takes?

I'd go for one of these with a decent sat broadband comms pack.

Winter in the Caribbean, summer in the Med, tax status: exile 😎


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As far as which country should be in charge of the whole planet finances and military might, I think I would have to go with Uganda. Their human rights policies, tollerance and attitude toward others, and fiscal understanding makes them a top contender for the title.

hmmmmm Uganda???
Would love to know more about this, as it would be nice to look for a country to spend retirement
Marwan, that was said with much tongue in cheek and sarcasm on my part. Uganda is not exactly the honeymoon capital of central Africa.