If It's All About making Money?

Just for clarification Dave and to avoid being tarred with that particular brush; the critic you are referring to is WG I presume?

It's just that you have recently cast me as something of a critic too, but I do feel my immense personal charm & style, sageness that only comes of great experience, natural intelligence of the highest order only perhaps marred by my crushing modesty, do lend to my output something of a higher order of quality than any of the other trailer-park trash 'critics' whose attempts at best remain in in the lowest category of simply odious.

And I wasn't actually agreeing/disagreeing with Socrates - sort of defending him. WG had (as he/she sometimes does) accidentally misquoted/taken the reverse of that stated and implied Socrates was suggesting NOT using stops. Socco has always maintained using a very tight stop.

Just doing my bit to ensure information of the highest integrity is maintained as a minimum standard on these boards.
Yes Dave, it is unfortunate but it has to be the only outcome that people in general are apt to bring upon themselves. I do not seek sycophants, I seek people who are able to stand on their own two feet and show me they have personal qualities that are in harmony with what the profession of trading demands from all of us. I am only interested nowadays in the best of the very best, in this regard, for starters. This is not just my view, it is the view of my group who are not prepared to accept anyone into the fold that does not make the grade. Period.

I am not interested in sycophancy, I am only interested in intelligent discussion and not silly arguments.
There is too much nonsense bandied about this topic for my liking.

I used to be very generous with my hard earned knowledge and naive to assume that everyone could and would meet the standards, even the most minimum and basic standards, that this way of life demands.
I was horribly mistaken and shocked by my experiences of what people are capable of when they are offered unconditional freedom and independence but instead go on and make a real mess of it, themselves, and then proceeed to attempt to make a mess of me as well.

At first I adopted a posture that was patient, benevolent, charitable and helpful. This does not work with people who are obstinately dedicated to pursuing routes that lead to very grave dangers and real and potential failure, because according to their frame of reference they are somehow blind to the recorded experience of all who have gone before us.

And then one day, I woke up and my rubber band snapped and that was the end of making any allowances whatsoever, as all of this is too serious to be fooled around with. And the rubber band
remains snapped.

It would be foolish for me to ignore my experience. My group are also witness to this and as a consequence, their resolve to remain secretive is equally hardened, as they are not prepared to be badgered by hoardes of marauding information beggars, or the dedicated persistent inquisitor operating via PMs.

And that is the state of play, and that is the way it remains because it has to, I am indeed sorry.

The consequences of this are very sad, because all the members suffer. But the problem is and remains the same.

I assure you that at a personal level I am sorry, but at a professional level I cannot afford to be sentimental or otherwise, this goes for my group as well, this is why several are members, but never post.
Oh yes,
your own style (so obviously the correct word) is not in question here. I was responding to your being classified as one of Soc's cheerleaders - I thought that a little bit off the ball, my phrasing was intended to convey a significant level of disagreement on that score.

I'm aware you were supporting Soc on stops, and were pointing out that he did in fact advocate the use of them - what I'm disagreeing with is (a) you being Soc's cheerleader, (b) Soc being derided (not by you) as a non-stop user ... a sort of 'Ah, you SAY use stops but don't do it yourself....' I'm not criticising either you or Soc here, I was attempting to leap to your defence as I thought dismissing you as anyone's cheerleader was rather insulting. (No to mention very inaccurate).

not a problem for me, I'm quite determined to go my own way anyhow - right or wrong, I eventually learn things and I'd be amazed to have the markets delivered on a plate.
All that really gets my goat is people being insulting, in the mistaken belief if reinforces their argument.... I'm not right all the time, nobody else is either - discussions can certainly get heated, but 'heated' needn't include name calling.
I insist on the use of stops because for beginners it is crucial.; for the more advanced it is a safeguard.
It is only the most advanced that can operate without recorded stops because at that level of proficiency stops can be held in the mind and executed ruthlessly, as a consequence of having mastered the topic, the trading environment and ultimately themselves. This cannot be done in five minutes, it takes time, a long time to mature. But despite all admonishment, to the contrary, it seems to fall on deaf ears, and these are the ears, the very ears, that incidentally need to hear this most.
DaveJB said:
not a problem for me, I'm quite determined to go my own way anyhow - right or wrong, I eventually learn things and I'd be amazed to have the markets delivered on a plate.
All that really gets my goat is people being insulting, in the mistaken belief if reinforces their argument.... I'm not right all the time, nobody else is either - discussions can certainly get heated, but 'heated' needn't include name calling.
That's right. Being insulting does not achieve progress. What it does achieve is unwelcome interruption to fruitful discussion. I promise you that whenever a cannonball needs firing at an unwelcome insult or rudeness, I fire it, as I am very skilled at this kind of gunnery, and the projectile always hits the target .

This is why I am not interested in argument. Only people who are insecure in their knowledge argue, when instead they should be interacting intelligently, in order to derive benefit.

Some of this arguing is borne out of frustration.

This frustration is the result of not succeeding.

This lack of success is self generated.

And because it is self generated it is the responisbility of the unsuccessful and not the other way round, as is frequently implied or otherwise.
And by the way, Dave, what is even more amazing is that when the facts, the brutal facts, you know, with the gloves off so to speak are laid plainly for all to see, it induces in some people a kind of selective blindness.

This is particualarly irksome when the facts can stand the most detailed and ferocious inquisition and still stand up.

Why is this ? It is because it is the way it is, and not the way it ought to be or it would be liked to be or hoped.

This kind of argument for the sake of argument also never ceases to amaze me.

You can now understand additionally why my posture has been moulded into what it currently is, and remains.

Kind Regards As Usual.
TheBramble said:
Just for clarification Dave and to avoid being tarred with that particular brush; the critic you are referring to is WG I presume?

It's just that you have recently cast me as something of a critic too, but I do feel my immense personal charm & style, sageness that only comes of great experience, natural intelligence of the highest order only perhaps marred by my crushing modesty, do lend to my output something of a higher order of quality than any of the other trailer-park trash 'critics' whose attempts at best remain in in the lowest category of simply odious.

And I wasn't actually agreeing/disagreeing with Socrates - sort of defending him. WG had (as he/she sometimes does) accidentally misquoted/taken the reverse of that stated and implied Socrates was suggesting NOT using stops. Socco has always maintained using a very tight stop.

Just doing my bit to ensure information of the highest integrity is maintained as a minimum standard on these boards.

I have only just seen this. Very good indeed. Well put Bramble. Excellent. This is not about you at all, you have no need to worry.

Kind Regards As Usual.
So True

dont worry - i am off out to amuse myself no end later this evening!

( i dont actually live in grimsby - the name just amuses me)

in the mean time - you are amusing enough for me!!

So true 😆

It's a shame you are banned 1lotwonder! It seems all the good members get banned eventually...

EVERYTHING IS KNOWN IN ADVANCE. He won't be able to resist replying 😆😆
So true 😆

It's a shame you are banned 1lotwonder! It seems all the good members get banned eventually...

EVERYTHING IS KNOWN IN ADVANCE. He won't be able to resist replying 😆😆

What on earth are you on about?? I've been back on this thread to Feb 2005 and cant fond the original thread you reffer back to...

Yes, it is all about acceptance. But the added difficulty in trading is that you have to accept that to change your outcomes you have to be prepared to first change yourself, and then your posture towards all of this.
This the majority of people are not able or willing to do. If they were brave enough and determined enough in their resolve to do so, everything would be different. Actually is very sad because many are within inches of getting there, but they prevent themselves from moving forward.

Yeah, i'm with you there..
if you like a thing, enjoy it.
if you don't like it, avoid it.
if you can't avoid it, change it.
if you can't change it, accept it.
Accept it with a chane in attitude.
Yeah, i'm with you there..
if you like a thing, enjoy it.
if you don't like it, avoid it.
if you can't avoid it, change it.
if you can't change it, accept it.
Accept it with a chane in attitude.

Reminds me of an old army saying. British or Spanish, I don't know from where

If you are crossing the barrack square and you see something, salute it.

If it doesn't salute back, pick it up.

If you can't pick it up, paint it.