Ideas how to put a bunch of old server gear to use?

China Diapers

Established member

A buddy left me a bunch of old server gear. At first I was thinking eBay with dollar signs in my eyes but it appears you can't even pay people to take second hand servers off you.

So I am wondering what use, if any, they could be to me. Any ideas?

I've got a switch, a UPS and a bunch of Dell Poweredge servers.

Any ideas, or is this stuff destined for Oxfam?


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you could give them to me 🙂

craigslist would be a good option if you want to try and sell it

set up a home server

find some kid who needs equipment to practice on (i.e. someone going for an IT degree)

donate it to a college

A buddy left me a bunch of old server gear. At first I was thinking eBay with dollar signs in my eyes but it appears you can't even pay people to take second hand servers off you.

So I am wondering what use, if any, they could be to me. Any ideas?

I've got a switch, a UPS and a bunch of Dell Poweredge servers.

Any ideas, or is this stuff destined for Oxfam?

Nice rack!
yep....find the nearest bunch of kid geeks in your area and donate for 10% of equity share

IPO in about 2 years ....?
