Hey guys so a little about me:
I'm 18 years old and enjoying summer as much as I can before I move on to Drexel University for a major in.....Biology with hopes of med. However, I just recently (July 1st to be exact 😛) sparked an interest in trading. Ever since July 1st, I have been spending hours researching as much as I can of the stock market and careers in finance. I really enjoy the stock market and am especially in love with the aspect of taking advantage of the volatility of the market to make cash, which is essentially the essence of a trade 😛. As of July 16th (the first day I made a trade, demo of course) and today (August 19th, so just over a month), I have made $3,000 in stocks investing with $30,000 (10% return in the first month isn't too shabby) and a $30.00 profit + a current $26 open position in the forex market with a starting capital of just $2,000 using a measly .05 lots for all trades (haven't started live trading yet). As far as I know, I seem to be doing exceptionally well compared to the general remarks people make about new traders. HOWEVER, I know that 1 month is still wayyyy too early to make an assumption about how skillful I really am (or am not) and any further assumptions would simply be extrapolation but I feel like this month has just been a sign that I can really succeed as a trader or someone in a financial career. Unfortunately, by the time I realized that I wanted to do finance, there were no more seats to switch my major to Finance so now I am stuck with Biology for the first year and will hopefully switch to Finance my second year.
However, I do have some serious concerns. Since my original plan coming to Drexel was to major in Biology and head off to medical school, I did not really aspire to go a very prestigious school since medical school could really careless about how prestigious or not your undergraduate college was. But, I understand that a major aspect of being hired if I decided to go with Finance relies on how respectable and prestigious your undergraduate college (excluding amount of extracurricular activities) and employers are constantly searching to hire those who went to Ivy Leagues. I really don't think Drexel is considered to be a very prestigious school in eyes of employers so I don't know how far I am going to get with a Finance degree from Drexel (once again, assuming I did not have any extracurricular and focusing on the college reputation solely). My question is that if I decide to switch majors into Finance, should I also look to transfer schools after the first year to a more prestigious school or should I just stay at Drexel with a major in Finance and hope I can get into a good graduate/MBA program?
Also, I feel like I have not been exposed to the business side except for my exposure to the stock market and forex. But as an 18 year old who hasn't even started college yet, what is there for me to do that can give me something to write on a resume and provide me with a good sense of what a career finance and trading is? I feel like there isn't many options for an 18 year old at this point other than fiddling with the markets (which I am), learning and reading as much information and books related to finance and trading (which I am), and joining the economics club in university (which I did lol). However, aside from trading, I really haven't been exposed to what life in Finance really is considering all my relatives are primarily based in health field careers and urge me to do the same. I need some ideas on what I can do to continue to expose myself to the business world such as internships, which is hard for me considering once again my age and the fact that it hasn't even been 2 months since I desired to go into Finance, which basically means I have to write down that I have no prior experience if I decide to apply to an internship at this age. Thanks for your time if you read this lengthy story, any suggestions?