EOD Pip Report
£$ +10,-2
€$ -1,+24,+3
€£ +5,-4,-4
£¥ -24,+19, 0,+13
€¥ -14,-7
$¥ -6,+1,+15,-7, 0
total: +21
Looking at these charts shows how choppy it was in these crosses today, so any system will have done well not to have made a loss. Some ill-discipline on my part made matters worse than they could've been (I should've stayed in some trades longer than I did).
Key: Vertical line on the left is 8am UK time
Arrows are Entries, Ticks are successful exits, Crosses are unsuccessful exits, Thumbs up & down are signals (and their exit) rejected through timing (e.g. lunchtime, or just before a major economic data announcement) or through poor personal judgment.